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First and foremost I'd like it to be known that I do not like having to do this kind of thing. However in the interest of protecting the site from bad actors that seem to have unlimited time but no time to have a discussion about how to behave here. My hope is that this will lead to a discussion and a real solution to the behavior that has been causing problems here on poal.co. @Hanswormhat I genuinely tried to reason with you without resorting to using admin abilities, and your behavior is at this point just abusive. I genuinely regret its come to this.

The straw that broke the camels back is the abusive comments on almost every post. This in my view is attempting to discourage people from speaking and is attempting to use his speech to silence others. This is not acceptable and is not ban worthy but I'm not going to let it continue until a agreement can be reached.

I have not had to take this kind of action in almost a year and I'm very happy I can say that. I don't do it lightly or without a considerable amount of thought.

As always if you think I have made a mistake please call me out on it.

First and foremost I'd like it to be known that I do not like having to do this kind of thing. However in the interest of protecting the site from bad actors that seem to have unlimited time but no time to have a discussion about how to behave here. My hope is that this will lead to a discussion and a real solution to the behavior that has been causing problems here on poal.co. @Hanswormhat I genuinely tried to reason with you without resorting to using admin abilities, and your behavior is at this point just abusive. I genuinely regret its come to this. The straw that broke the camels back is the abusive comments on almost every post. This in my view is attempting to discourage people from speaking and is attempting to use his speech to silence others. This is not acceptable and is not ban worthy but I'm not going to let it continue until a agreement can be reached. I have not had to take this kind of action in almost a year and I'm very happy I can say that. I don't do it lightly or without a considerable amount of thought. As always if you think I have made a mistake please call me out on it.

(post is archived)

[–] 6 pts

I spent a long time considering my options I spent hours of my time trying to reason with this person. I would be willing to spend hours more trying to reason with him, but if the only response I can get no matter what I say is "idgaf" and "you are a tranny" then no discussion can really be had. All I want is for him to stop trying to silence people. Thats it nothing more. If this is the only way I can accomplish that goal then, what other option is he really leaving me with?

I sure hope if he makes an alt its to have a reasonable discussion.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

That last part shows that you are the type for this job.

I can’t stand people who are always just disruptive and crude. Wanna call someone a nigger faggot, tranny, or whatever? Hey fine, but when it’s all you ever say then you add zero to the community and deserve to be voted off the island.

Unfortunately people are under so much control with their lives this place and ones like it are their only outlet. So they manifest all that is worthless within the world and form that into their persona online.

Seen it since my days of reddit. Then on voat.

These people are just bored home bodies and I really find that this place and voat especially has this. People within these places have over inflated egos and want to think they are important so they cry out shill shill.

Voat is likely just a honeypot for law enforcement because the FBI hasn’t cought one criminal they didn’t help make.

Just go there and read the comment within some post about illegals, or even Muslims. All they parrot is about killing people and when you attempt to voice reason it’s quickly downvoted.

I hope this place doesn’t become like that. I really hope the users can just make this place reasonable and not so fuckin vile all the time.

That way you don’t have to do what you did.

[–] 1 pt

"That last part shows that you are the type for this job. "

Sounds like cult worship ass kissing, which is exactly what they used to manipulate the guy running voat.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Cal it what you want, but pymb is sticking to his principles and I am being honest.

Thing is that he has diplomatic ways. This site needs that, and voat never had it. Atko actually demodded someone on videos because they pissed him off with there css.

Then puttitout would ban based on pussy pass.