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First and foremost I'd like it to be known that I do not like having to do this kind of thing. However in the interest of protecting the site from bad actors that seem to have unlimited time but no time to have a discussion about how to behave here. My hope is that this will lead to a discussion and a real solution to the behavior that has been causing problems here on poal.co. @Hanswormhat I genuinely tried to reason with you without resorting to using admin abilities, and your behavior is at this point just abusive. I genuinely regret its come to this.

The straw that broke the camels back is the abusive comments on almost every post. This in my view is attempting to discourage people from speaking and is attempting to use his speech to silence others. This is not acceptable and is not ban worthy but I'm not going to let it continue until a agreement can be reached.

I have not had to take this kind of action in almost a year and I'm very happy I can say that. I don't do it lightly or without a considerable amount of thought.

As always if you think I have made a mistake please call me out on it.

First and foremost I'd like it to be known that I do not like having to do this kind of thing. However in the interest of protecting the site from bad actors that seem to have unlimited time but no time to have a discussion about how to behave here. My hope is that this will lead to a discussion and a real solution to the behavior that has been causing problems here on poal.co. @Hanswormhat I genuinely tried to reason with you without resorting to using admin abilities, and your behavior is at this point just abusive. I genuinely regret its come to this. The straw that broke the camels back is the abusive comments on almost every post. This in my view is attempting to discourage people from speaking and is attempting to use his speech to silence others. This is not acceptable and is not ban worthy but I'm not going to let it continue until a agreement can be reached. I have not had to take this kind of action in almost a year and I'm very happy I can say that. I don't do it lightly or without a considerable amount of thought. As always if you think I have made a mistake please call me out on it.

(post is archived)

[–] 2 pts (edited )

What do you think you'd do if he simply makes another account?

Also, I'm curious to know if you're open to the idea of reverting changes you make either from an admin perspective, design/coding perspective, or otherwise executive decision.

Oh, I should be specific about this too: I don't intend for you to think my inquiry has anything to do with how I do or don't feel about the subject of this submission. I'm simply curious about this as this posting sparked my interest. I don't mean to imply anything.

[–] 3 pts

He has made several in an attempt to override the decision. If they behave the same way I hope they will wait too do it until we have the block user function in place.

I'm willing to admit that I'm wrong and I'm willing to revert something if it doesn't work out if I've said it once I'll say again I am not perfect I make mistakes. The choices I essentially had today was decrease the posting and commenting allotments or disable his account I had really hoped he would be reasonable but that didn't happen so I had to come up with something else.

If I've made a mistake and someone convinces me of it I'll for sure be willing to reverse that decision.

However in this case, the user in question either came here looking for a ban, or just wanted to ruin the place, or is genuinely mentally ill.

As an example if I gave a room full of toddlers unlimited free speech it would not result in anything good. So I would not limit their speech I would try first to reason with them and get then to speak one at a time. That doesn't work then I'd give them a time out in order to teach them how to enjoy that freedom without taking it from others.