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[–] [deleted] 9 pts

What's wrong with violence? Violence is a necessity in this world

And dont give me any "legaility" mumbojumbo...if people hanging outside of the Capitol is worthy of FBI investigation, every single one of us on this site could be considered breaking the "law" in some way or another.

[–] 23 pts

Go make your own website and take your responsibility then.

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

No thanks

[–] 17 pts

That's what I thought.

[+] [deleted] -1 pt
[–] 3 pts

the capital riot 'investigations' are simply political demoralization. It really scared the shit out of those politicians because they know what they deserve.

Also, do you really not understand why you shouldn't call for violence? That's how sites get shut down. There's a reason glowies make calls for violence; as a pretext for 'legal' action.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Was it political demoralization for the woman who lost her pregnancy after the feds busted in her home and kidnapped her husband? Just because he was outside the capitol.

Sites can get shut down for any reason in Commiemerica. Simple wrongthink is as bad as calling for violence.

I was kind of hoping AOU would give some specifics of the "call to violence," rather he just responded in a douchey way. All I did was ask him a simple question, other than the legality, like what you mentioned...shutting the site down... what's wrong with calling for violence? That was my question, and he just acted like a spoiled faggot.

[–] 0 pt

Gaming votes with alts is isn't enough for you? I think you're the spoiled faggot expecting links, his post history is available to anyone.

[+] [deleted] 2 pts
[–] 3 pts

It's very dumb to call for violence on the internet. Even most leftists organizers aren't that dumb. That's why they word everything as peaceful protests just like their owners promote on talmudvision. Of course these leftist are coached on everything because the marxists thugs are very well organized because they run the country.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

But they dont need a call to violence to shut down a website. If they dont like the website...they can shut it down. What's dumb is allowing an illegal communist regime to control our words. Control us from planning. Keep us scared.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

Calling for violence (or even implying it) is the fastest way for the gov to get on your ass, raid your house, take all your shit, seize your bank account, etc. Usually someone in a group is an informant who says "hey...I know a guy who can get us <insert illegal thing here> or I know a guy who works for a <insert politician here> and he can get us help to <insert crime here>". AOU banning that clown was a smart move.

IRL, exclude anyone from your life or group that claims they can get "something" or hurt "someone". Person is crazy or an informant. Goes for anyone who talks endless about illegal shit. Tell him to shut the fuck up and get rid of him.

Always assume you're being recorded.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Allowing a communist regime to take control is also a quick way to get the government on your ass. When wrongthink becomes violence (which is the direction we are headed) how many people will be banned for saying communism and fags are bad? Do you think the pubs kicked George Washington out when he said we need to kick some red coat ass?

Honestly, I get it though, and it was a mostly rhetorical question. I'm just sayin...did he actually call for violence, or are we allowing this communist regime to start an increase in silencing? Slowly more and more things are getting silenced or cancelled, at what point is the silencing actually violence itself?

[–] [deleted] -2 pt

Did you just call for Violence

I won't stand for anything that makes a difference go eat a animal and wash it down with sugary drink and watch some sports

you glow nigger MAGA

[–] 0 pt

18 U.S. Code § 373 - Solicitation to commit a crime of violence (archive.md)

That's why and you know it.

What's also why is that this site is in an extremely precarious place on the internet. With jews' cancel-culture and jews' control of NEARLY EVERY TUBE/SERVER one must thread the needle very carefully to stay even slightly safe. This is what @AOU and @PMYB2 are doing.

if people hanging outside of the Capitol is worthy of FBI investigation,

... what are you trying to fucking say?

a jew controlled, antifa, communist, nigger series of allowed actions (by capital ZOGS) is equivelant to a website online

Come the fuck on dude. You are either a shill are insanely stupid. This is a true dichotomy.

every single one of us on this site could be considered breaking the "law" in some way or another.

No. "if false equivelence thing then this false action could happen!!!!"

If I had ran into my house after the gym today I could have gotten shot in the head by a nigger.

Do you see how fucked that sentence is? It's grammatically correct. It's not logically wrong. Nothing follow from the previous though.

What do you mean what am I trying to fucking say...people who were hanging out, outside of the Capitol, are now being investigated. Pretty self explanatory...what else should I say about it?

If citizens are going to be put in handcuffs for peacefully hanging out, outside of the Capitol (as cops let people into the building) then is it really that far of a stretch to believe theyll come put us in a metal box for simply being on a website they dont like. What I'm saying is it doesnt take violence for a website to be shut down, or its owners to be put in prison. In the world of communism, if they dont like your site, they will cancel you.

We are encroaching further and further into cancel culture...at what point does a differing opinion become a call to violence. How long until we are banned for saying commies and fags are bad. Did Tallest actually specifically target someone?

[–] 0 pt

people who were hanging out, outside of the Capitol, are now being investigated. Pretty self explanatory...what else should I say about it?

Yes. And that isn't even remotely similar to why calling for Violence is illegal.

jews can investigate people for a jew instigated false flag!!!

Okay? Because that is actually what you said.

if people hanging outside of the Capitol is worthy of FBI investigation, every single one of us on this site could be considered breaking the "law" in some way or another.

And then you are using that statement as a means to claim that;

well if they do that, then just allow calls for violence because they'll investigate you for "just hanging out at the capital"

Which is retarded as fuck.