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[–] 16 pts

Correct. He was tricked into admitting he is a professional shill, many years ago, on Voat.


[–] 18 pts

Yeah, the shilling and fedposting was one of the reasons I gave voat a wide berth towards the end.
You can see them active on poal and the whole fedposting thing is so ridiculous these days. Any self aware white or white nationalist with an IQ above ‘negro’ is more than aware that fedposting is nothing more than catnip for alphabet glowniggers and their confidential informants.

Fuck assholes like him.

[–] 31 pts

We've got quite a predicament here don't we? To me, Tallest was just a walking black pill. Now, consider the logic of someone who thinks this way (the same sentiments are voiced here constantly in variously more politically correct ways).

Tallest saw no possibility for amicable, legal, or political solutions to our current issue.

What is logically left over after all of those possibilities are exhausted? Answer: talking about things that got him banned.

Eventually, when the rubber meets the road, these things must be discussed, no? But, nobody wants to get the site shut down.

So look at the predicament we find ourselves in: your only option is to sit around and bitch about the same subjects. Over and over and over for years. A new outrage occurs, and the same tired points get echoed, and everybody is able to vent some steam and get on through their day.

This is why sites like this exist. It's containment: a virtual space for the expression of things that are systematically being censored elsewhere. You concentrate your enemy's hostility into specific domains with specific modes of expression. We are technically precluded from discussing solutions - we are only ever able to complain. To shout our opinions. To repeat things we repeated on Voat for six years.

  1. New thing happens, even worse than the last time

  2. "I'm really mad now!"

  3. New thing happens, even worse than the last time

  4. "Things are getting really out of hand now!"

Tallest just got sick of the larping and insisted in his own belligerent ways that we stop pretending. I don't think it was wrong that he was banned. I can't blame admin for it. But what it points out is a symptom of the fundamental problem.

[–] 4 pts

Sites like poal are nothing but catharsis.

If anyone thinks people here are changing the world, that's some dank hopium

[–] 3 pts

theres a difference between action and circle jerking. he was a jerk in a circle. you wanna do some IRL shit name the time and place and let the people proximal to you gather

[–] 2 pts

This is a very low IQ position.

We are a catalyst. Our job is to take normies from being bluepilled to redpilled when the time is right. The abject failure of Trump was a perfect opportunity. As are the situations with Kyle, Floyd and this latest snackbar shooter in Colorado. When the normie starts to notice something is rotten, that's the time to jump in and put all the pieces in place. Kyle is no different than Fields, Scarsella, Zimmerman, etc. Floyd is no different than all the bullshit in Furgeson, it's all been played out by anti-white media that hates you.

When they ask why these people hate us and want us dead, that's when you explain it's the jews. It's always the jews. Point to Trump's cabinet. Bidens.

When they get black pilled that's when you tell them how to regain power. Through organization. And yes, it's 100% a racial head count now, so you have to organize around whiteness and around Christianity. Encourage them to form local political groups. Join their local PTA. Do the kinds of things the Proud Fags and Qtards were starting to do, but explain why those groups failed.

It's not us who will be on the front lines of whatever change happens. It'll be the normalfags who are just learning it's the jews. In the last few years I've pushed everyone I know IRL several steps to the right. They've gone from "those poor mexicans, doing the jobs we wont do" to fed posting about how to deal with "immigrants" so they never bother us again. This is why you're here. This is why you've been studying these problems for months or years.

[–] 1 pt

As much as I would love to live in the internet of the early 2000’s, we don’t. This isn’t even the internet of 2016.

If you are either a white nationalist / sympathizer or even anything to the right of the most milquetoast Fox News tier conservatard you HAVE to consider yourself a dissident.
Normal rules and protections of the law do not exist for you. Your ‘freedoms / rights’ can and will be removed at a whim and ANYTHING you say online will be used against you should you step into the crosshairs of ZOG.

You can go on for days about how fucked this is but the plain fact remains that one meme or post can be the difference between you being released without charge and you sitting in solitary confinement for 400 years.

This new era does not need idiots who hand ZOG a propaganda win on a plate. ZOG wants us all crammed into isolated sites posting dumb shit that they can print out and use when they want to dangle another white man out to publicly destroy.
Stop making it so fucking easy for them.

[–] 1 pt

You are right, as usual, but the site admins have to ban in some cases, sadly. Real 'free speech' is an illusion.

You are 100% correct. Also I'm reading tons of comments about TS and his supposed calls to violence violating the ToS. Did we all forget Twitter, Facebook, and Reddit continue to allow and in some cases encourages users to promote calls to violence as long as it's directed towards Whites and Christians.

[–] 1 pt

What do you mean by fedposting exactly?

[–] 4 pts

Low key trying to get people to shoot up random jews and shit like that like that'd actually change anything.

[+] [deleted] 9 pts
[–] 4 pts

He was definitely an agent provocateur. He had all of the trappings when things were said that were on the line of legality, he would try all if the classic tricks to get the commenter pushed over that line. I called him out on it once and his brigade of alts went right to work down voating my comments

[–] 1 pt

Yep. That's him alright. According to others here, saying that makes you a jew. Nothing to see here...

[–] 0 pt

On Voat I once went 20 replies deep in an argument with him. When I quoted the lyrics to "Der Kommisar" in German he finally shut up and left me alone.
I had a lot more free time back then. Hard to believe 2016 was 5 years ago...

[–] 1 pt

The meme war has been a long one indeed

[–] 0 pt

every now and then he does some quiet admittance. as far as im concered he was just a bad rip off template of myself.