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[–] 29 pts

If I remember correctly that guy was pulling similar shit on voat.

[–] 16 pts

Correct. He was tricked into admitting he is a professional shill, many years ago, on Voat.


[–] 18 pts

Yeah, the shilling and fedposting was one of the reasons I gave voat a wide berth towards the end.
You can see them active on poal and the whole fedposting thing is so ridiculous these days. Any self aware white or white nationalist with an IQ above ‘negro’ is more than aware that fedposting is nothing more than catnip for alphabet glowniggers and their confidential informants.

Fuck assholes like him.

[–] 31 pts

We've got quite a predicament here don't we? To me, Tallest was just a walking black pill. Now, consider the logic of someone who thinks this way (the same sentiments are voiced here constantly in variously more politically correct ways).

Tallest saw no possibility for amicable, legal, or political solutions to our current issue.

What is logically left over after all of those possibilities are exhausted? Answer: talking about things that got him banned.

Eventually, when the rubber meets the road, these things must be discussed, no? But, nobody wants to get the site shut down.

So look at the predicament we find ourselves in: your only option is to sit around and bitch about the same subjects. Over and over and over for years. A new outrage occurs, and the same tired points get echoed, and everybody is able to vent some steam and get on through their day.

This is why sites like this exist. It's containment: a virtual space for the expression of things that are systematically being censored elsewhere. You concentrate your enemy's hostility into specific domains with specific modes of expression. We are technically precluded from discussing solutions - we are only ever able to complain. To shout our opinions. To repeat things we repeated on Voat for six years.

  1. New thing happens, even worse than the last time

  2. "I'm really mad now!"

  3. New thing happens, even worse than the last time

  4. "Things are getting really out of hand now!"

Tallest just got sick of the larping and insisted in his own belligerent ways that we stop pretending. I don't think it was wrong that he was banned. I can't blame admin for it. But what it points out is a symptom of the fundamental problem.

[–] 1 pt

What do you mean by fedposting exactly?

[+] [deleted] 9 pts
[–] 4 pts

He was definitely an agent provocateur. He had all of the trappings when things were said that were on the line of legality, he would try all if the classic tricks to get the commenter pushed over that line. I called him out on it once and his brigade of alts went right to work down voating my comments

[–] 1 pt

Yep. That's him alright. According to others here, saying that makes you a jew. Nothing to see here...

[–] 0 pt

On Voat I once went 20 replies deep in an argument with him. When I quoted the lyrics to "Der Kommisar" in German he finally shut up and left me alone.
I had a lot more free time back then. Hard to believe 2016 was 5 years ago...

[–] 0 pt

every now and then he does some quiet admittance. as far as im concered he was just a bad rip off template of myself.

[–] 2 pts

The TallestSkil accounts on Poal is not the same man behind Tallest_skil on Voat.

[–] 2 pts

he sure said the same, 'only try violence or do nothing' things, the fuck on Voat said:


[–] 1 pt

I saw his nomenclature adapt since the account was created on Poal, anyone can grab the normal pasta from searchco and act like its original author. The filler did not convince me it was from the same author, earlier examples of the accounts banter did not have the same taste. I would have thought a user generating stawmans in quotes would have engorged the admins flat and flaccid penis as aou anticlutch and others are fond of that fuckery.

[–] 2 pts

I got into an argument with him because I posted Chinese news stories about Falun Gong and he got fucking butthurt that I was talking about the Chicomms instead of repeating the jew mantra. Apparently you can criticize jews, but no one else.

Interesting that he was shilling and gaming the accounts on here.

[–] 1 pt

I have to admit, 99% of the shilling, gaming, sliding, etc goes over my head. I’m not autistic enough to jump into that drama game and my ADD is wayyyy too much for me to entertain chasing shills across several accounts... God bless those who do.

Fuckin waste of time. I just reply with HA! HA! (ibb.co) Most of the time.

[–] 1 pt

He was, he’s just a typical kike trying to rile up the goyim. He’s very “muh fellow White people”

[–] 0 pt

I remember that suppurating warthog's dickwad from reddit. Inconsistent. Sometimes would write many paragraphs, mostly zero effort. Not even trolling.