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[–] 2 pts

This is a very low IQ position.

We are a catalyst. Our job is to take normies from being bluepilled to redpilled when the time is right. The abject failure of Trump was a perfect opportunity. As are the situations with Kyle, Floyd and this latest snackbar shooter in Colorado. When the normie starts to notice something is rotten, that's the time to jump in and put all the pieces in place. Kyle is no different than Fields, Scarsella, Zimmerman, etc. Floyd is no different than all the bullshit in Furgeson, it's all been played out by anti-white media that hates you.

When they ask why these people hate us and want us dead, that's when you explain it's the jews. It's always the jews. Point to Trump's cabinet. Bidens.

When they get black pilled that's when you tell them how to regain power. Through organization. And yes, it's 100% a racial head count now, so you have to organize around whiteness and around Christianity. Encourage them to form local political groups. Join their local PTA. Do the kinds of things the Proud Fags and Qtards were starting to do, but explain why those groups failed.

It's not us who will be on the front lines of whatever change happens. It'll be the normalfags who are just learning it's the jews. In the last few years I've pushed everyone I know IRL several steps to the right. They've gone from "those poor mexicans, doing the jobs we wont do" to fed posting about how to deal with "immigrants" so they never bother us again. This is why you're here. This is why you've been studying these problems for months or years.

[–] 1 pt

When they ask why these people hate us and want us dead, that's when you explain it's the jews. It's always the jews. Point to Trump's cabinet. Bidens.

Man, I have known the Jews pretend to be us for a long time, but I did not remember how it was like being a guy who think they are just like us. People can't believe "they" want us dead because they think it us running the show.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

But you know better. It's your job to fill in the blanks. Normies can't figure these things out unless they have a narrative. They need a step by step story to follow. This is a big part of how the lügenpresse convinces NPCs of things that are obviously false. They convinced NPCs that cops hate niggers, this is believable. They convinced NPCs that cops are unncessarily violent towards niggers, this is also believable. It's not a huge jump to trick them into thinking cops kill niggers just for being niggers.

This is far easier with things that are actually true. jews have convinced themselves that stealing and lies are totally moral so long as they target non-jews. Needless to say this has caused moral people to universally hate jews for the last 2000 years. jews have spent 2000 years convincing themselves that whites/Christians hate them for no reason. Since everything they have is based on lying and stealing simply exposing their crimes potentially amounts to genocide. So to them killing everyone who could potentially expose them, high IQ honest and moral people, is self-defense.

Now following this step by step narrative the normie can understand why calling out crimes and lies is antisemitism and why jews do everything they can to disempower high IQ, moral people... namely white Christians.

[–] 1 pt

Where do you usually start when talking to people about Jews? It's not something I normally talk about so IDK where to start. Is it normally context based? Say someone is ranting about money or anti white policies, do you just show them the Jew then instead of forcing a conversation about them?

We are going to be the officers, not the frontline troops.

Too few understand this. Think bigger than the battles to be fought by those who follow us. Our job is to make sure those battles are not fought for nothing.

Every few years It's a new Kyle a new Trump, and whole new younger generation of bright eyes and bushy tailed "conspiracy theorists" full of hope and belief they are going to expose it all and finally hold evil to account.

We just got closer than we're ever going to get and they squashed us with simple gaslighting.

They had never been more exposed, but they swatted us aside like annoying insects.

[–] 0 pt

Have we been beaten 109 times? If we were, would that mean we should give up and stop fighting evil?

We were swatted down because we were still a massive minority. The 10,000 "nazis" who have been banned from twitter dozens of times is nothing compared to the millions of Trump supporters who just got banned or saw their friends banned. Each time they get more exposed, not less.

The cycle of history spans lifetimes. We may not live to see the jews defeated, but they will be. We are in the rock-bottom/rebuild transition. We're transitioning from the good times and weak men into the hard times. It's our job to make sure the next generation is strong men. https://pic8.co/sh/NYLVjR.jpg

We're not going to make a generation of strong men by bitching on an internet honey pot.

So you still haven't figured out that trump was in on it. He even invited his supporters to DC so that the deep State could run it's "attack on the capital" psyop to villanise whites.

He played us and until all those millions of Trump supporters wake the fuck up and call out the God damned jew nothing will every change.

Are you openly calling out the jew or are you still pretending?

Trump played a part. He helped the powers that be expose anyone with a nationalist belief system.

It's called The Steinlight Plan. Look it up and tell me Trump doesn't fit it perfectly. He was the lynchpin. I was a huge supporter even though I suspected him all along but I resigned to the fact that even if he was the Steinlight Plan he was buying us time to wake up other whites. Well that didn't fucking work because you are all still sucking the jew cock along with Trump.

If your unwilling to look up the Steinlight Plan and contemplate what it means then don't even bother replying as you're only proving my points.

Also, for a people who have supposedly been beaten 109 times they are incredibly victorious aren't they.

Why is all of Trumps kids married to Jews? Why hadn't Trump said a sing word in support of white people? Are whites worse off or better off following Trumps psyop presidency?

So how in hell are you still playing along?

Right wing NPCs are no better to the battle at hand than left wing NPCs.

Don't be an NPC.

What has all this exposure done except cement their power over us. They don't even need to hide anymore. They are laughing at us with this Biden bullshit.

They didn't even need to pick someone palatable to the public. It's about proving to us just how little they care about our so called uprising against them.

They are showing us just how blatantly they can fuck us and there is not a fucking thing we will do to stop them.

Except argue with strangers in an internet honeypot.


[–] 0 pt

>This is a very low IQ position.


>It's not us who will be on the front lines of whatever change happens.

Ah, so you're just the mentor of the would-be fighters. This is such a poorly conceived argument that you've made. So, what, the flash point happens when? When you've gotten a certain number of normies red-pilled? Or when they're all red-pilled?

You've been red-pilling for half-a-decade and things have continued to decline. I'm not dismantling the value of transforming someone's psychology, rather, I'm pointing out how inefficacious a lot of philosophy is without action. This all begins long before us. People have been 'noticing' for decades, but the sequestration of the discussion has witnessed the growth of dissident pockets of people that never do a goddamn thing. Nobody is sacrificing anything.

They're biding their time waiting for that Goldilocks level of red-pilling, comforting themselves with little charts about how Hitler had such and such a % of support from the German people in year 193X.

I don't think you've sufficiently integrated the way that any of this works. I suggest you recall the interview with Yuri Bezmenov. This program of indoctrination cannot be overcome - in those who are susceptible - by information, whether it's factual or satirical or whatever. The point is that there is a large part of the population for whom the process of demoralization is complete. Many of those who are not complete NPCs are compelled into acquiescence for the singular reason that their entire way of living is married to the financial system.

What are you waiting for? If you are the one responsible for the red-pilling, then who is designated to take action? You're passing the buck onto some vague future class of red-pilled power reclaimers. Who passed the memo on to them? When is the right number? When is the flashpoint?

If you haven't started any kind of meaningful action with your red-pilling during the entire descent that has been the last five years, or so, then what leads you to believe it will suddenly make the water boil? During whatever time you think will intervene between now and then, how much more will the stranglehold tighten to preclude your ability to organize?

I mean, are you fucking serious at this point, with the 'we'll just clean this all up by organizing some protests and local political representation!'?

[–] 1 pt

What are you waiting for?

An addict can't recover until they hit rock bottom. A fatty can't lose weight until they admit they are fat. We were waiting for things to get bad. No one wanted to hear any of this when the economy was booming and their streets were safe. Now they've gotten bad. Now is the time to red pill.

Yuri Bezmenov. This program of indoctrination cannot be overcome

Yuri was talking about the true believers. The antifa and the reddit commies. Boomers who've spent 60 years ingesting nothing but lies. Not the normie who barely watches TV and is pissed off at all the "white man bad" bullshit.

I mean, are you fucking serious at this point, with the 'we'll just clean this all up by organizing some protests and local political representation!'?

Absolutely. You have to learn to walk before you can run. Qtardism is the kind of magical thinking that we can clean this mess up in 1 swoop. The left has spent decades doing the damage. It'll take decades to fix it. The dumbest thing you can possibly do is think it's going to be one quick operation. It's our turn to march through the institutions. You need to buckle in for the long hard road.