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(post is archived)

[–] 19 pts (edited )

Good. Fuck that manchild faggot.

Hey, TheAmerican. I can name one user on Poal with more followers than you. Me.

[–] 13 pts

People on Poal have followers? I didn't realize this was a faggoty social networking site

[–] 16 pts

It is actually a very good feature.

It allows you to view the posts of people you follow, like an 'all new' but only people you follow. So if you find people who consistently post quality content, it will be easy to find those posts.

[–] 21 pts

Fuck yeah now I can follow people I don’t like and get mad more often

[+] [deleted] 6 pts
[–] 2 pts

Neat. I hadn't noticed that function, I only noticed the quick tag function. I honestly didn't know what else it did.

Where do you go to see posts from (only) the people you follow?

[–] 1 pt

I think my posts are high quality.....or at the very least well intentioned..

[–] 0 pt

its good its just like muh instagram

fuck off kike

[–] 6 pts

I’m gonna follow you honey buns. I’m gonna soften you up day after day. Eventually you’ll Send me your nudes

[+] [deleted] 4 pts
[–] 2 pts

I am following you now, just like a glownigger.

Agreed,like we care if anyone gives two shits on anything we say. it's said, get replies,done, shits over. doesn't matter to me whatever or whoever cares, just digital at the end of the day.

[–] 4 pts

I’ll Follow you if you send me a picture of your dick. Not for doxxing purposes though.

[–] 2 pts

Say “dick doxx” 5 times real fast.

[–] 2 pts



[–] 0 pt

CIA pays good money for the right dick pics.

[–] 2 pts

Fuck the cia. I would shoot them to protect my collection

Whoa guys. We're comparing Poal followers. We've hit peak ubermensch.