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@beatlejuicethedestroyer and another individual at minimum threatened to report the site to the ADL, that is a terms of service violation. Threatening the operation of the site is a ToS violation. So that minor annoyance has been handled. Check the site logs for more details.

My apologies for the drama.

@beatlejuicethedestroyer and another individual at minimum threatened to report the site to the ADL, that is a terms of service violation. Threatening the operation of the site is a ToS violation. So that minor annoyance has been handled. Check the site logs for more details. My apologies for the drama.

(post is archived)

[–] [deleted] 13 pts

Well, I'll start posting again I reckon. I hate to see what SBBH has brought to Poal.

I'm glad to see this, but I know that's not what you want to hear. Beetle threatened to murder me, and his buddy GabaraTinyPenis was all of a sudden pretty keen to meet up with me; doesn't take a triple-digit IQ to figure out when you're at risk.

(@RepublicOfTX but I scrambled my PW and e-mailed it to a time capsule so I won't have access to it for a while)
(@germanshepherd is deleted)

[–] 10 pts

I had to wait until they gave me a reason. You know the spot I'm in.

[–] [deleted] 10 pts

I mention it for the benefit of all, to put it all out there just what a cancer (((it))) was. For the doubters, to see every speech-chilling tactic SBBH uses.

[–] 6 pts

Well we shall see what the coming days bring.

[–] 1 pt

I just don't understand any of this. I LIKE the sbbh crowd. And I don't get why people are so pissed at them. Sure they are kind of....."trashy" I guess would be the best word but who isn't?

[–] 0 pt

I'm a bit puzzled too. They are good customers. Always tip well.... .. well most of them.

[–] 0 pt


[–] [deleted] 1 pt (edited )

This simply isn't true.

You reached out to me, PM'd me, told me the county you lived in, said you were lonely for the thanksgiving break and wanted to catch a beer. We were going to, until I had to help my family move and couldn't. Didnt hear from you after that.

I have to clear this up, this is wrong of you to say and I'm dissspointed. I never had a problem with you, I dont know if you're trying to catch some attention from this wave of drama or what but, accusing me of being part of a murder plot is just plain schizophrenic.

This confirms I made the right decision quitting this place.

Edit: I willingly quit this place because dial was going to fuck it up like he did voat, and AOU was because he is becoming putt 2.0

[–] 1 pt

Isn't it AOU's to do with as he pleases? And we have the right to leave as we please.

Apparently hes looking for revenge or something, by saying I'm making RL death threats, am a federal agent, and reported people to the SPLC.


He has boobs convinced and this sounds threatening. I hope he talks to me today.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 2 pts

You should get on Mumble.