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[–] 20 pts

You mean blatantly stolen.

They were a bit more subtle before.

[–] 3 pts

Good point. The Dems have been fucking with elections since the days of JFK. However, it's only with the coming of electronic voting machines that stealing elections has become an art for the Deep State. The Deep State didn't mind a George W. Bush getting in occassionally, because he was one of their boys, but they showed their hand when they stopped the re-election of Trump. We all know how crooked they are, and how crooked their pet party, the Democrats, are. That's one good thing that has come out of all this. They are no longer able to conceal their corruption.

[–] 2 pts

Except the timing is such they can't hide it, but they don't need to.

[–] 1 pt

The digital age just simplified the matter of scale.

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

Oh, it is WAY MORE than two election. Go look at the fraud in 2018 that everyone seems to ignore. So many solid GOP seats flipped Dem with narrow margins.... Hell, go back and read about why LBJ was chosen as VP. It was due to his ability to cheat like a motherfucker in the polls.....

Can't wait to see what fucking absurdities we get next. Another lockdown? More jab mandates? How about gas rationing along with no diesel fuel at all which will end the US economy. Oh, the ride is going to get more extreme.

They tried this in 2000, and almost made it, except they underestimated the level of Clinton Fatigue so they didn't stuff the ballot boxes hard enough in Florida.

This year, they had every ballot box jammed to the slots.

[–] 0 pt

And we all stand idly by...

[–] 1 pt

Well it's like watching the ISS explode in slow motion, what can you do

[–] 0 pt

Buy night vision goggles, train on your riffle, buy canned goods, MREs and ammo, prepare for the fight.

Votes aren't done being counted so there is a chance in arizona we could fully audit their methods of cheating. If a full audit of cheating shows a clear image of the fraud we aught to be able to organize protests for the destruction of electronic voting machine/tabulators, and for reforms on voter ID and mail in voting.

Everyone needs to start reading between the lines better, people are going to start speaking in code and riddles to recruit and organize.

[–] 5 pts

Are you surprised?

[–] 5 pts


[–] 4 pts

A massive rebellion needs to occur.

[+] [deleted] 0 pt
[–] 3 pts

I can't believe the people haven't just destroyed DC yet. It's a giant swamp of evil.

[–] 2 pts

Aside from the kike politicians it's like 99% nigger government workers that live there. And the people who actually hate these fucking traitors don't live anywhere near it. So not terribly surprising.

[–] 1 pt

At the same time it's not like people would go out of their way to protect the capitol if it was suddenly besieged and burnt to the ground by an army of degenerates

I think most would just stay home and watch it burn, laughing

[–] 1 pt

Yep exactly. At this chronic final stage of the ex Republic with communist and feminist, diversity hires pretending to lead with open borders and a globalist power in charge have given up.

There are only 4 groups left:

  • White European Patriots

  • niggers

  • jews

  • illegals of all non White races

The US is finished.

[–] 1 pt

>The US is finished.

Not at all, that's the thing

You know you could wake up one day wishing it's finished, and it's not. It changed, the constitution and all that are still there, but it's just decorum, it's completely subverted since "the event", with few people capable to renounce their citizenship, for practical reasons, it's not cheap and where to go, since the event...

[–] 1 pt

Wishing the Russians would quite frankly.

[–] 0 pt

Anything to stop the libtard, communist femocracy. This isn't even a government or republic anymore. Open borders, lawlessness, trannies pretending be Admirals.. a.delusional moron playing president while his wife pretends to be a nurse and Hussein Soetoro conducts his satanic evil from his mansion in between Big Michael banging him or crying about his depression.

We're fucked.

[–] 3 pts

Oh shit... Really? Q didn't fix it? SHOCKER.

[–] 2 pts

it's ok man, trust the plan... 2 more weeks

[–] 1 pt

Shit... ok. I'll not act at all and just write politicians names on paper and mail them off to the vote fairy! It worked when I was a kid writing to Santa Clause, certainly it will work with this.

[–] 1 pt

Q fixed it, you just think Q is a US Patriot when it's probably mossad patriots making sure the US is no longer exceptional or a threat to Isreal money laundering.

[–] 0 pt

... Well, you aren't wrong with that! Very well said.

[–] 1 pt

Just vote harder next time Gotta support Isreal Trump can still be president Q

[–] 1 pt

Wait till you see 2024!

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

I think there is a good chance we won't even have an election in 2024.

[–] 4 pts

I hope civil war is here long before 2024. This is disgusting.

I hope civil war is here long before 2024. This is disgusting.

Honestly I am just praying for global thermonuclear war or failing that some other mass casualty event. What if the jabs were designed to make people controllable and some update causes them to become the living dead? Ending oil could also lead to massive deaths and destruction. The chinese could invade and take over California which would be cool but I don't think it would change much for the rest of the country except I won't get my cheap shit from Aliexpress anymore. A real deadly pandemic might crop up due to the chutzpah of the fake ones, something sort of hemorrhagic fever that incubates for a week before it kills would be SWEET! Anything but this slow decline into literal hell.

[–] 0 pt

So what now? how many years of this can america handle? how many more need to wake up? how angry does everyone need to get before they do something? is it better to just accept the status quo and learn to love your new tyranny?

Somethings gotta give. Are Americans better than brazilians? maybe take to the streets and start marches against this.

[–] 0 pt
  1. 2018 midterms had fuckery too. But not as much and not as obvious. It was a test run.
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