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[–] 7 pts

This is false.

Most human behaviour is genetic and very little is learned. Our learned behaviour (socialization) only deals with learning the rules of how to negotiate alliances with different groups of humans that you need to survive.

You will notice that all the information we learn in school also only deals with memorizing rules on how to solve problems. We learn rules (algorythms) on how to read, we learn rules (algorythms) on how to do math, we learn rules (algorytms) on how to drive and so on.

No socialization / learning deals with the baseline nature of our human animal.

Niggers are niggering because they are niggers.

[–] 3 pts

In the US they had a proxy for shame at one point in that they were punished for bad behavior. This has been removed by (((employment quotas))) so they can't lose their jobs, (((activist judges and prosecutors))) keep their punishments for acts against western values to a minimum, and so on.

I remember many years ago having a layover at Dallas fort worth. The black people did most of the service jobs at the airport, but most of the people at the airport were white. There was a huge difference in the interactions and actions when compared to a blue area at the time, or when compared to 2021. You could call the difference "respect", but really i think that society there had found an equilibrium that worked. This was (((disrupted))) and now things are bad.

See also: south africa before the (((anc)))

[–] 4 pts

What an interesting concept: proxy for shame.

I too have noticed that shame is genetic. White kids in school, nowhere on earth, get up and dance on desks. Black kids, everywhere on the planet, get up on desks in schools and display dominance and fronting behaviours.

And you are suggesting that punishment can be used as a proxy?

That is really intersting. Jessee Lee Peterson talks about living under the Jim Crowe laws and says black people had structure, they were self sufficient, had farms, had families and worked hard.

[–] 2 pts

I will point out that black kids didn't dance on desks when the teacher could whoop them, send them out of the class, and have their dad whoop them again when he got home from a hard day's work.

[–] 0 pt

Yes, the Great Society program and forced busing destroyed the black family unit.

During Jim Crow days, black communities were functional. Black folks worked in and shopped in their own neighborhoods. With integration, blacks worked and shopped in places owned by the jews. The neighborhoods were blighted.

[–] 0 pt

It's both.

Low IQ, high impulsivity, fairly poor understanding of long term consequences to actions, and quickly escalating to violence over minor slights are natural traits of the negroid.

However they become significantly worse do to jewish encouragement of their worse behaviors, the fact that they can effectively face zero consequences for even extremly violent behavior due to jewish control over the legal system makes them even more violent and savage.