That's just the whaaaambulance for the crying sjw-tards that have to actually come out of their basements for this egregious crime.
That's just the whaaaambulance for the crying sjw-tards that have to actually come out of their basements for this egregious crime.
I'd let out a ferocious Tarzan Yell like they've never heard before and watch them run back to their basements ReeEEeeeEEEeeing in horror, but my old lungs just don't hold the air like they used to when I was young.
I'd let out a ferocious Tarzan Yell like they've never heard before and watch them run back to their basements [ReeEEeeeEEEee](#triggered)ing in horror, but my old lungs just don't hold the air like they used to when I was young.
I've found a 2x4 full of rusty nails to be an acceptable substitute.
I've found a 2x4 full of rusty nails to be an acceptable substitute.
16 penny spikes? Galvanized stick better.
16 penny spikes? Galvanized stick better.