1: Monkeys. Can't have those, jaysus man what are you trying to do here?
2: Tarzan was a good looking, in-shape white male. Christ on a fish shaped bicycle riding backwards to china in the rain, you trying to get us all arrested here?
3: Tarzan was a better nigger than niggers. I don't suppose I even have to explain the faux pas you've just committed here.
Lol! You're sayin an infant white kid dropped off in the middle of the jungle, raised by apes is smarter than African niggers raised by family in mud huts?
Doooooood....that knocking you hear on the door is the SJW-police. Bob the Builder can't even fix this one.
I think I can hear the ReeEEeeeEEEeeEE !!! coming up the street....
The white kid would have built a nice city, not a bunch of mud huts.