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Once they figured out they were being made infertile they would leave us the fuck alone, since anchor babies are much harder to come by, they would not stay for generations. They would be so pissed they may never come back.

Once they figured out they were being made infertile they would leave us the fuck alone, since anchor babies are much harder to come by, they would not stay for generations. They would be so pissed they may never come back.
[–] 4 pts

isreal already did that. isreal took on 30,000 Ethiopian "jews" (niggers) and sterilized them. There were riots and other basic civil unrest over something to do with them. Then, of course, the (((news))) stories stopped.

Also, isreal likes to snipe anyone that tries to cross its boarders, illegally. I always ask people when the boarder subject comes up. "If it's good enough for isreal, a wall, snipers, auto turrets, etc. why isn't it good enough for America?"

[–] 1 pt

Yeah, The US Border(s) should be a DMZ and protected with the same level of violence that the NK and Israel border(s) are.

[–] 1 pt

Oh snap, I didn't realize this situation occurred already, though I don't know why I would assume it hasnt.

"If it's good enough for isreal, a wall, snipers, auto turrets, etc. why isn't it good enough for America?"

I do this all the time, they get so mad. The mental gymnastics afterwords is worthy of a special Olympic gold metal.

[–] 1 pt

isreal also incorporated lethally armed robots to patrol their border, violating one of the fundamental laws of robotics.

[–] 0 pt

wait what that almost sounds made up, almost. I'll definitely look into that

[–] 3 pts

What if we had this thing called a "nation state" and any outsiders who tried to come in were "invaders" and we just killed them. You know, kinda like what everyone on Earth has always done throughout the history of time when no kikes are involved.

[–] 1 pt

Not enough, they gotta agree to be nullos... so they can't rape. Cut them off stem and berries and make their women transition to men. It's the only way i want a spic in this country... mutilated to a point they can't rape anyone.

[–] 1 pt

Another way to make sure that they don't get to pass on stupid is to shoot them. I'm not for this idea. Especially when there are plenty of good ways to secure the border that the jews in office are getting rid of.

[–] 1 pt

I think USA does require covid shots for legal immigrants. Not for illegal immigrants or walk through fraudulent refugees. There will be some fertility impact for the legal process enjoyer in sperm motility and spontaneous abortion.

[–] 1 pt

No, that's a jewish way of doing things.

It needs to be very clear to non-Whites that they will be killed in brutal and painful fashion if they hurt any of ours while we accepted them as guests in our land.

We will have to accept them coming to our lands for temporary trips or visits just to maintain relations and influence over the 3rd world, but this will need to be closely monitored and restricted.

These will be all business like trips, and if any of the people a specific country sends us harms any of us the entire country should be held responsible for their actions as they were acting as an ambassador of their nation.

[–] 1 pt

That is a much more ideal future.

No, that's a jewish way of doing things.

I'm not trying to be a faggot, maybe I've been in this jew controlled world too much for me to be amused by such a shower thought. I'll be happy to hold the smaller world together while the guys implement a solution (and after that of course).

[–] 1 pt

When an adult doesnt have or aspire to have children they become gay / degenerate. We have a bunch of non reproductive 1st and 2nd gen immigrants who cause enough problems

[–] 1 pt

Having the ability to force them to get (((vaxxed))) implies we have control over the immigration problem and simply choose to not do anything about it. The reality is that we have a jew problem that we are currently unable to control or eliminate which is what drives immigration. If we get rid of the jew problem, we will no longer have an immigrant problem. We could then deport all the invaders back to where they came from and enact strict immigration laws and border protections to make certain we don't have this problem again in the future.

jews did this. Sterilize the jews and you solve the world's problems.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

yeah there's definitely better ways to handle it than forcing immigrants to get vaxxed. My shower thought came from a lack of patience, it's not an ideal future.

[–] 1 pt

They would still vote for the shit that they left behind.

[–] 1 pt

One of the last Gandhi prime ministers pushed castrations for welfare and the jews came down hard on her.

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