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It's dead. We have been brainwashed to believe the earth is infinite and there's so much "everything". "The earth is 80% water!".

Well yeah it might be but it's 80% polluted water. glyphosate in the hydrologic cycle. Hormones and antibiotics in drinking water. Bottled water is full of micro plastics and tastes like ass.

We've shit, pissed and puked in our drinking water for so long it can't be purified anymore.

Wait for the new rare cancers of the GI and genitourinary tracts to manifest...3...2...

It's dead. We have been brainwashed to believe the earth is infinite and there's so much "everything". "The earth is 80% water!". Well yeah it might be but it's 80% polluted water. glyphosate in the hydrologic cycle. Hormones and antibiotics in drinking water. Bottled water is full of micro plastics and tastes like ass. We've shit, pissed and puked in our drinking water for so long it can't be purified anymore. Wait for the new rare cancers of the GI and genitourinary tracts to manifest...3...2...
[–] 4 pts (edited )

You do realize that all of the water you have ever had in your life was pissed out of some animal or something at some point right?

If you don't like your local supply (I posted this in other threads) then don't drink it, get filters, get reverse osmosis delivered water if needed (it is not that expensive).

If you thought that "water" was safer 2k years ago you need to re-evaluate your way of thinking. (I will agree with the plastic side though, that one is real and a problem).

[–] 1 pt

Of course I realize it it's just now I absolutely have to drink bottled water because reasons.

Filters work some and R.O wastes twice the water it creates. I'm pretty sure water was cleaner 2k years ago.

[–] 1 pt

Well, it would not have had the industrial waste that modern societies create but if you were in something considered a "town or city" it probably was just as "shitty" or worse. Water filters exist for a reason.