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After last night's scripted Trump event I'm rather flabbergasted. I've been on Poal since the day Voat went down, albeit not with this account. I may not be the most proficient poster, but I log in daily to catch up on my news. I have grown to trust the insights and viewpoints of many here. I respect quite a few of you due to your intelligent and well thought out responses. I'm rather disturbed at the sheer number of you fellow Poalers and niggerfaggots who can't see through this staged propaganda. Every single aspect of this is obvious. It doesn't take any true digging to see how the pieces of the puzzle blatantly show this was all set up. I'm disappointed in many who I thought more highly of. Do you not see the jews are in their final stages of their plans? You guys are like lemmings, marching mindlessly off a cliff. The pied Piper is effectively doing his job. WAKE UP! We need to stop showing support to the mainstream choices we are being given. Every. Single. One. Is. A. Controlled. Asset....

We need a true patriot or we are all doomed. I don't give a damn about myself, but I have children and grandchildren who I do. Their future is tied to the future of my people. When my people can't even see through the bullshit it makes me wonder what our chances even are.

After last night's scripted Trump event I'm rather flabbergasted. I've been on Poal since the day Voat went down, albeit not with this account. I may not be the most proficient poster, but I log in daily to catch up on my news. I have grown to trust the insights and viewpoints of many here. I respect quite a few of you due to your intelligent and well thought out responses. I'm rather disturbed at the sheer number of you fellow Poalers and niggerfaggots who can't see through this staged propaganda. Every single aspect of this is obvious. It doesn't take any true digging to see how the pieces of the puzzle blatantly show this was all set up. I'm disappointed in many who I thought more highly of. Do you not see the jews are in their final stages of their plans? You guys are like lemmings, marching mindlessly off a cliff. The pied Piper is effectively doing his job. WAKE UP! We need to stop showing support to the mainstream choices we are being given. Every. Single. One. Is. A. Controlled. Asset.... We need a true patriot or we are all doomed. I don't give a damn about myself, but I have children and grandchildren who I do. Their future is tied to the future of my people. When my people can't even see through the bullshit it makes me wonder what our chances even are.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

> >I have grown to trust the insights and viewpoints of many here

Well, this is obviously not true.

> Well, this is obviously not true.

> You will NEVER be satisfied, You will ALWAYS think that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy.

Believe what you will, but some of us can see through the bullshit. When the jews are involved everything is a conspiracy. Trump was and had always been surrounded by jews. Meaning he's a controlled asset. You Qtards put all your hope into a jewish puppet.

[–] 1 pt

>You Qtards put all your hope into a jewish puppet

lol, you do comedy too!!!


[–] 0 pt

Name one thing that jew lover Trump has done to actually benefit Whites.

[–] 0 pt

Are you kidding???

I could type for hours on Trumps accomplishments in office. I don't even like the guy, but his policy and his actions were top notch.


Here, this will keep you entertained for days. Of course, you won't even bother to go look because you are happy in your little bubble.

I'm not saying he's the perfect candidate, let's be honest here, he's an asshole. And yea, I've seen the crying wall pictures and they piss me off. But at some point ya gotta take a side and his stance is a whole bunch closer to my ideology than the left wing freakshow that is the alternative.