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After last night's scripted Trump event I'm rather flabbergasted. I've been on Poal since the day Voat went down, albeit not with this account. I may not be the most proficient poster, but I log in daily to catch up on my news. I have grown to trust the insights and viewpoints of many here. I respect quite a few of you due to your intelligent and well thought out responses. I'm rather disturbed at the sheer number of you fellow Poalers and niggerfaggots who can't see through this staged propaganda. Every single aspect of this is obvious. It doesn't take any true digging to see how the pieces of the puzzle blatantly show this was all set up. I'm disappointed in many who I thought more highly of. Do you not see the jews are in their final stages of their plans? You guys are like lemmings, marching mindlessly off a cliff. The pied Piper is effectively doing his job. WAKE UP! We need to stop showing support to the mainstream choices we are being given. Every. Single. One. Is. A. Controlled. Asset....

We need a true patriot or we are all doomed. I don't give a damn about myself, but I have children and grandchildren who I do. Their future is tied to the future of my people. When my people can't even see through the bullshit it makes me wonder what our chances even are.

After last night's scripted Trump event I'm rather flabbergasted. I've been on Poal since the day Voat went down, albeit not with this account. I may not be the most proficient poster, but I log in daily to catch up on my news. I have grown to trust the insights and viewpoints of many here. I respect quite a few of you due to your intelligent and well thought out responses. I'm rather disturbed at the sheer number of you fellow Poalers and niggerfaggots who can't see through this staged propaganda. Every single aspect of this is obvious. It doesn't take any true digging to see how the pieces of the puzzle blatantly show this was all set up. I'm disappointed in many who I thought more highly of. Do you not see the jews are in their final stages of their plans? You guys are like lemmings, marching mindlessly off a cliff. The pied Piper is effectively doing his job. WAKE UP! We need to stop showing support to the mainstream choices we are being given. Every. Single. One. Is. A. Controlled. Asset.... We need a true patriot or we are all doomed. I don't give a damn about myself, but I have children and grandchildren who I do. Their future is tied to the future of my people. When my people can't even see through the bullshit it makes me wonder what our chances even are.

(post is archived)

[–] 3 pts

It is a bit demoralising, yes. I've said it before and I'll say it again - hope is a dangerous thing.

Everyone hopes someone is going to come and save us, but the truth is we will have to roll up our sleeves and do this on our own.

The problem now is that if Trump wins, 90% of "Nationalists" will go in full NPC mode and be confident they won.

Trump wants to see us all dead, you may love him, but he sees us as enemies. HIS. GRANDCHILDREN. ARE. jEWISH.

[–] 2 pts

> The problem now is that if Trump wins, 90% of "Nationalists" will go in full NPC mode and be confident they won.

This is the exact problem I see. Sad part is how so few can see what's obvious. It's infuriating.

[–] 2 pts

There should have been Pa state police on the roof where the shooter was. Period. US Secret Service does this stuff everyday.

Who the shooter was is now in the hands of the propaganda artists. The shooter will now be whomever the jews say he was.

It's a shit show and most people (Whites are the only people, niggers are not people, duh) are too conditioned to think for themselves anymore.

[–] 1 pt

>I have grown to trust the insights and viewpoints of many here

Well, this is obviously not true.

> You guys are like lemmings, marching mindlessly off a cliff

This is how you really feel.

>We need a true patriot or we are all doomed

This guy could be standing right in front of your face and you would be screaming:

>stop showing support to the mainstream choices we are being given. Every. Single. One. Is. A. Controlled. Asset....

You will NEVER be satisfied, You will ALWAYS think that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy.

[–] 1 pt

> >I have grown to trust the insights and viewpoints of many here

Well, this is obviously not true.

> Well, this is obviously not true.

> You will NEVER be satisfied, You will ALWAYS think that EVERYTHING is a conspiracy.

Believe what you will, but some of us can see through the bullshit. When the jews are involved everything is a conspiracy. Trump was and had always been surrounded by jews. Meaning he's a controlled asset. You Qtards put all your hope into a jewish puppet.

[–] 1 pt

>You Qtards put all your hope into a jewish puppet

lol, you do comedy too!!!


[–] 0 pt

Name one thing that jew lover Trump has done to actually benefit Whites.

[–] 1 pt

Actual bullets whizzed the man's actual head we have evidence this was not staged in the sense of it being a photo op to coral everyone into one pick.

I have a feeling many people are talking past each other in regards to what they perceive but I'm telling you this was an intentional hit by the deep state, yes the globalist cabal to which the current deep state is attached is hedging their bets along with wealthy leftists and getting in bed with trump now but we will likely have an improved situation from his presidency.

We need to be thinking rationally about best possible options. biden is the obvious accelerationist pick as he and harris both will just make everything worse but the public will come to hate accelerationists and blame them over retard authentic leftists just like most here blame MGTOW and PUA not feminism and the sexual revolution, RFK isn't happening and unless you have a strong organization that can manipulate events in america on par with the deep state pushing for an early civil conflict is just as likely to blow up in your face as not, this all means that trump is the good faith option even before the last 24 hours. There is a grand silver lining in two parts to trump being a zionist nigger tolerator, his nigger tollerance is outlining the difference between niggers and blacks who have their shit together and making it more evident what caused this difference, jewish cultural subversion and desegregation, the second silver lining is that leftists shit heels now hate zionism and are not far off from hating jews directly we have a movement of the people who are most directly victimized and abused by jews are seeing them with fresh eyes for the first time and they will be able to transmute their trump hate imminently into jew hate over the following years, you need to take this opportunity to build a neo-strasserist bridge to these commies and make them into new SS just like hitler did, Trump will be gone in 10-20 years and politically irrelevant in 8-12

We've been given an opportunity to have our cake and eat it too, we can have a rapidly growing anti zionist anti kike movement, keep our underdog status and get inflation down, and migrants out protecting our people and their ability to have children and not be utterly outnumbered in our own lands.

Inb4 "trump wont", trump has kept every promise he made to black america, and he promised to reverse migration to save black jobs.

If you want another option get a multibillionaire under my thumb and get fit for a happening but until then voting is all you've got to change the destiny of our people unless you've got a militia big enough to tie up multiple loose ends at once.

If you don't want to vote and you aren't going "inna woods" as it were you are just a noisy bitch shouting from outside the fight about what other people shouldn't be doing.

[–] -1 pt

A sharpshooter at the distances present could easily pull it off....

[–] 0 pt

You don't shoot if you can't see how he could miss so narrowly. The typical AR15 has an MoA of 2 inches at 100 yards that's how many inches off center bore the bullet could be.

Then there is zeroing, if he zeroed this at a range he likely zeroed it at 50 yards meaning he could be off by way more than tye standard 2 MoA group, then there is the reality that fliers do happen, just randomly stray shots that exceed MoA.

A ridiculous near miss is more likely than trump not being shot when live ammo is being fired in his general direction for a staged assassination what kike or deepstate goals are met by this? Trump already had the election locked down.

The goal was to kill him before the convention so there would be infighting and hopefully a split vote, and likely they would have and may yet blow up the senile fuck and his diversity hire whore so they can pick a new candidate while trump would have had no clear successor.

Why do you let yourself be so affected by what internet strangers think?

[–] 0 pt

I could care less what people think all in all. However when I see how many people are hopelessly brainwashed I begin to realize what odds there are for a future for my children.