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Money is power. And they need to keep us poor in order for them to remain in control.

They are doing everything they can to stop the largest transfer of wealth in history, in order to prevent a shift in the power structure.

That is why they've printed more money than has ever been printed. That is why they are flooding our countries with uneducated shitskins.

Money is power. And they need to keep us poor in order for them to remain in control. They are doing everything they can to stop the largest transfer of wealth in history, in order to prevent a shift in the power structure. That is why they've printed more money than has ever been printed. That is why they are flooding our countries with uneducated shitskins.

(post is archived)

[–] 8 pts

And imposed generational wealth killing inheritance taxes.

[–] 5 pts

The minds behind property and inheritance taxes should be decorating a wall.

[–] 4 pts

Amazing that people accept inheritance taxes.

Oh well they accepted income tax and central bank fiat and usury.

Try Karl Marx. See the ten planks of communism...

[–] 4 pts

They fucked healthcare costs to shit to separate the boomers from their wealth even faster.

[–] 1 pt

Yep, especially things like nursing homes and assisted livings. Very costly.

[–] 2 pts

It's not boomers' fault anymore than critical race theory is millenials' fault.

The people who killed Kennedy and got us off the gold standard weren't boomers.

[–] 2 pts

We have to take care of our elders who saved us from speaking German...

I'm certain that's how MediCare was passed and started the massive costs explosion with healthcare and end of life care. Add in The Great Society and here we are.

[–] 1 pt

Saul Alinsky: Rules for Radicals.... Rule No. 1) Divide and Conquer. "It's not the jews, It's that other generation"

[–] 0 pt

This has nothing to do with Millennials vs Boommers.

What is happening is that the wealthiest generation that has ever lived is about to pass down their wealth. This should be the largest transfer of wealth in the history of mankind. And just as it's about to happen..... The value of all that wealth is completely wiped out in just a few years.

This is not a coincidence. This is all planned and coordinated.

[–] 0 pt

Actually, the clinton administration did away with Glass- Stigel, which was enacted during the Great Depression. G-S seperates savings & loan banking from investment banking. Amazingly, a concurrent MSM campaign demonized those with defined pensions. Result:

[–] 0 pt


That's what's driving this madness. Fuck the GDP. Fuck the increase in our national profit. The more fiat currency is demanded, the more fiat currency needs to be created.

Look at Japan.

Japan is in a terrible condition!!! They need to import 10 million foreign workers to keep their GDP (gross domestic production) above 2 point something percent.

Who the fuck gives a fuck about the gross domestic production? If growing your GDP means importing niggers and spics, we need to lower the fucking GDP to negative numbers.

[–] 1 pt

We're not. The fucking jews need constant GDP gains. How else you going to pay off all the interest our governments owe.

[–] 0 pt

It's easy. Just announce that your country is no longer interested in growing wealth.

Look!!!!!!!! We're done. We're happy. We don't need any more money. We don't need any more wealth.

(Of course, if you live in Florida and can drive up I-95 to a secluded place on the shores of Moosehead Lake for a few months during the summer, it helps.)

[–] 5 pts

have fun when the cost of living goes up.

have fun when going to the range is the same as spending your entire income for the month.

"money" isn't just about greed shithead.

It's also both the ability to sustain your family, and protect your nation.

No money = no self defense

no money = no wars of independance

no money = no gas

no money = no replacement parts for farm equipment.

They want you dead and they want everything you ever had.

It's genocide, mass robbery, and demographic replacement.

[–] 0 pt

idk, they piss a lot of it away for medical care and things like nursing homes and assisted living. Unless it is a sudden death, there isn't always much left.

[–] 0 pt

Why wouldn't they take everything? It's not like anyone stands up to them.