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Had this shower thought yesterday. "I'm going to be fired by Joe Biden."

Had this shower thought yesterday. "I'm going to be fired by Joe Biden."

(post is archived)

[–] 24 pts

It just goes to show you that their motives are not what you think. They dont want a strong economy. They don't want the most people to do well.

They want something else.

[–] 15 pts

Unfortunately their motives are exactly what I thought. I just didn't think they'd be this ruthless when the time came.

It's an all out war.

[–] 7 pts

They’re ruthless because they have a throw-away President. Biden isn’t worrying about his legacy; he spends most his time trying to figure out what room he’s in.

[–] 2 pts

Exactly, this may be their only chance to usher in the NWO they've been planning since the 60s.

They're going for broke.

[–] 0 pt

And who is going to change him and literally wipe his butt

[–] 0 pt

" I just didn't think they'd be this ruthless when the time came"

I think you mean you didn't think the time would come so quickly here in the usa.

You always knew they were completely ruthless. They bombed whole cities everywhere for the past 60 years. They routinely droned people within crowds without much thought. Its the here part you probably didn't think would happen so fast

I know that was my underestimation too.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

If you have come to enjoy basic things like electricity and clean running water, and you don't already have a way of providing those things for yourself, you better get started figuring out how you are going to do that sooner rather than later. Like today.

Because at this rate you're going to end up with Oombobway Shabazz and Alejandro Baptiste looking at the circuits and valves like dogs looking at a doorknob. And the lights and water will both be out.

[–] 0 pt

Exactly. Not only that bit they will have tokd their brother how to disconnect the circuits so they can mire safely steal the transmission lines and piping for scrap value. This is what had happened in south Africa.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Liberia and Zimbabwe too. After the Whypeepoe left, the water and electric plants shut down due to lack of proper maintenance, and the niggers tore down all the transmission lines and ripped out any and all fixtures that could be sold for scrap. Niggers are a plague upon civilization, like locusts, but with more murder. If Whites ever went back into any of those areas today, to get basic services up and running, they'd have to start all over from scratch.

Basically, have your own diesel generators (at least two 15kw) and small scale water treatment set up just to support you and yours. In a secure walled location with armed guards. Be mentally and emotionally prepared to kill folks to keep what you have, because they will sure as shit be willing to kill you to take it. Having secure and direct coastal or river access with your own dock would be a big plus. Trading clean potable water and charging services for goods.

[–] 1 pt

They want to "Bulid Back Better", but won't tell you what "better" is.

[–] 0 pt