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[–] 6 pts

hitler was a zionist and planned to send them to israel, why else would jewish bankers support hitler at the start, they helped fund the creation of the camps, jews leaders signed an agreement with germany in 1933 i think it was which agreed they would have their property confiscated and the funds raised would be used to repatriate them to israel

he wanted them out of germany, not dead, and towards the end of the war a combination of major food shortages and a typhoid epidemic lead to the deaths of many jews

after the war all of the death camps where on the soviet side of the line so the allies could not get to the site for years after, they included stuff like swimming pools, dental care, and despite claiming to know where the mass graves are located they are refusing to let people confirm that there is indeed a mass grave where they claim

[–] 9 pts

Ground penetrating radar proved that no mass graves and undisturbed ground at Treblinka. Only trace elements of Prussian Blue staining (Zyklon B aka insect repellent for lice) found by three different testers (all prosecuted) at Auschwitz. Challenge the narrative, get ruined and jail time.

[–] 6 pts

Israel didn't exist till after the war.

Hitler and his volk just wanted them out. For a while, Madagascar was considered as a potential "homeland".

[–] 4 pts

No, the Balfour agreement from WW1 was the creating factor for Israel.

[–] 3 pts (edited )

I'm aware of the Balfour Declaration (which created a homeland for jews in British-ruled Mandatory Palestine) and the Haavara Agreement (which allowed German jews to transfer wealth to Palestine). However, they weren't forced to go there, and I haven't seen any paperwork saying the idea was to send them all to Palestine. They just wanted them out, preferably out of Europe altogether.

[–] 1 pt

Whatabout greenland? There are only like 50,000 inuits living there. Maybe that’s why Trump wanted to buy it.

[–] 1 pt

Lots of resources.

[–] 2 pts (edited )

He was not "financed by jews", this is a common myth. This graphic explains it.


[–] 2 pts

fucking hell, read the wiki link

and i said help to finance, stop trying to build a strawman you cockwomble

[–] 0 pt

Read mine you fucking retard.

[–] 1 pt

He absolutely was funded by Jews along with many others.

[–] 0 pt

Do you have any sources on that?

[–] 3 pts
[–] 1 pt

I really need to read a fucking history book.

[–] 0 pt

Wow. Didnt know that one.


it should be up to 7 now. part 6 or 7 mentions madagascar but not much. this isnt a great source for what you asked mr. crossbow but nevertheless is a great account of that time in history,, and how hitler is a rothschild (biologiclfather was)

hitler was a zionist

Tfw all 109 that kicked jews out before are ackchually ziownistz.

why else would jewish bankers support hitler at the start

I'd take an enemy's money too if I didn't have any intention of repaying it, or if I knew I could before I won an even greater victory. Fucking dumbass...

jews leaders signed an agreement with germany in 1933 i think it was which agreed they would have their property confiscated and the funds raised would be used to repatriate them to israel

Haavara Agreement. A coin was minted with the Star of Remphan on one side and the Hakenkreuz on the other. Hitler wanted jewish rats gone, the jewish rats wanted to go home. A deal was made. Very simple.

Everything afterwards is spot on. Your beginning statements imply Hitler was a "bad guy", a myth that will be cleared.

[–] 0 pt

he sent over 60,000 jews to israel, how was he not a zionist?

Hitler wanted jewish rats gone, the jewish rats wanted to go home. A deal was made. Very simple

yeah i agree but that does mean he was a zionist, he was the first of 109 countries to effectively give them a homeland by repatriating over 60,000 of them to what is now israel

he sent over 60,000 jews to israel, how was he not a zionist?

Being a zionist takes more dedication than "get the fuck out of my country, I'll even fucking pay you for it".

he was the first of 109 countries to effectively give them a homeland

They've always claimed it as their home. Just because some idiots in suits signed a declaration or whatnot doesn't mean a damn thing.