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hitler was a zionist

Tfw all 109 that kicked jews out before are ackchually ziownistz.

why else would jewish bankers support hitler at the start

I'd take an enemy's money too if I didn't have any intention of repaying it, or if I knew I could before I won an even greater victory. Fucking dumbass...

jews leaders signed an agreement with germany in 1933 i think it was which agreed they would have their property confiscated and the funds raised would be used to repatriate them to israel

Haavara Agreement. A coin was minted with the Star of Remphan on one side and the Hakenkreuz on the other. Hitler wanted jewish rats gone, the jewish rats wanted to go home. A deal was made. Very simple.

Everything afterwards is spot on. Your beginning statements imply Hitler was a "bad guy", a myth that will be cleared.

[–] 0 pt

he sent over 60,000 jews to israel, how was he not a zionist?

Hitler wanted jewish rats gone, the jewish rats wanted to go home. A deal was made. Very simple

yeah i agree but that does mean he was a zionist, he was the first of 109 countries to effectively give them a homeland by repatriating over 60,000 of them to what is now israel

he sent over 60,000 jews to israel, how was he not a zionist?

Being a zionist takes more dedication than "get the fuck out of my country, I'll even fucking pay you for it".

he was the first of 109 countries to effectively give them a homeland

They've always claimed it as their home. Just because some idiots in suits signed a declaration or whatnot doesn't mean a damn thing.

[–] 0 pt

no, i just requires wanting them to have their own homeland in israel, he could have sent them other places, could have splt them up, instead they went to israel where they agreed