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[–] 3 pts

Total fear is the new normal. Giving up everything is the only way we can move forward. Only the one world government can save us now. Just trust the authorities because they are the experts.

Now rinse and repeat until you no longer resist anything at all.

[–] 2 pts

Look at the dates of the articles she's browsing on the phone in the park (near the end), then look at when this video was posted.

[–] 2 pts

I did see the dates. What I said still applies. It will happen again once the fear starts to subside. They will give us a small break but then hit us with the next virus. It's the way they will break us. It's been very successful so far so they will keep on doing it until we give in and accept our enslavement.

Sure do like a challenge... Okay lets see 1.upload date 7/2/2020 (about 3 months after the hysteria kicked off) 2. Someone in comments notes seeing the film on 7/1/...2020( comment is dated 2 months ago soo gotta assume that they forgot this year is 2021) 3. 5:21 in film scene shows clock displaying time as 10 after 7(probably useless info) 4. 5:56 the 'Fear word' is 1st used in film 5.6:24-6:29 is where shit gets creppy, website article's are displayed showing specific dates of 6-19-21 & 6-18-21

....yeah i got nothing, best luck with this riddle

[–] 2 pts

I figured it out. They used real articles from January 2020 and changed the date in the future.

Check my other comment.

Yeah that's where my money was at, just some overlay scam shit. Still nice to see a movie that makes ya think though.

[–] 0 pt

The description of the film tells you what the film is about.

There's no secret or revelation, here. It's like a groundhog day for "our" main character in the film. Her mind is somehow transported back in time and she is reliving the pandemic.

This straight from the description on the film:

"What would you do if it happened all over again and you are the only one who remembers? If you could predict the consequences of this pandemic, what would you have done differently?"

The short film was published in July 2020.

[–] 0 pt

She’s using her friend’s phone, remember?

That phone shows articles from the future.

[–] 0 pt

The writer-director explains the entire premise. It's a "groundhog day" taking place more than a year after the 2020 pandemic. It's 2021. And everyone has forgotten about what happened in the past except for her. SO it's like her mind is transported in the past and everything starts all over again. But in the "present". There's not wacky crazy underlying conspiracy here. It's the entire point of the movie. You're supposed to think, "What would I do if I could do this all over again and it is 2020, Feb?"