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If you encounter a post from a counterintelligence operation that includes "disclosure" you may have noticed that those presenting argument are intentionally leaving out the strongest evidence.

Recently, in an online back and forth with David Seaman, a vocal Pizzagate awareness activist, I pointed out how I was troubled that, while he included the "Luzatettes" email, he left out the last part... the most important part... the part where the final response is "I've never had an affair before" after being informed three young girls are in the hot tub.

In the case of David Seaman, he only gave you enough to cause outrage, but not enough to prove to other people that something sinister was actually going on. This strategy is in the parlance of "limited hangouts."

The weak side of the argument, is then amplified using polemical tactics like calling people crazy, along with many other ad hominems.

One advantage that conservative thinkers have is that they are far more emotionally resilient than the average liberal. In fact, lack of emotional resilience tends to be what shapes a liberals political views. AIs are now able to spot this in people merely by looking at them. But... so can Conservative thinkers, so long as they are informed about what to look for. I don't think Poal needs a lesson.

While liberal astroturfing relies heavily on demoralization tactics and "negging," the truth is that they are far less capable of dealing with pushback.

First, pushing back on digital counterintelligence operatives with weak emotional constitutions is easy. It is easy to turn their demoralization tactics around on them and force them to live with self hate and shame at what they are doing. It is easy to make them feel that hatred of their own own actions, where they sit down to their computer and emotionally hurt. This doesn't really work the other way around, especially once you begin to play with fake emotions online. There is absolutely no reason to feel emotionally attached to your online posting.

Second, shills hate being outed more than anything else. You can use this as leverage because there is no such thing as cybersecurity, these days.

While I have been doxxed repeatedly over the last ten years, it doesn't matter THAT much... especially now, since my whole town is getting death threats... because I stand behind my messaging. I believe in it. I want peace, security, safety and abundance, just like everyone else. Only shills don't want that. Well, they pretend.

Social Media has been weaponized against you via counterintelligence frameworks. What you are dealing with is "crowdsourced counterintelligence."

Counterintelligence back and forth gets convoluted real fast, so when you are dealing with techniques being used against you, the best "A to B" is to merely expose them. When in opposing echo chambers, it is important to leave behind searchable evidence for those following bread crumbs, later.

Whether you like it, or not, if you're visiting Poal, you're visiting a digital battlefield where you enemies are here, pretending to be like you. You might as well get in on the digital fight and start presenting strong evidence against weak premises.

If you encounter a post from a counterintelligence operation that includes "disclosure" you may have noticed that those presenting argument are intentionally leaving out the strongest evidence. Recently, in an online back and forth with David Seaman, a vocal Pizzagate awareness activist, I pointed out how I was troubled that, while he included the "Luzatettes" email, he left out the last part... the most important part... the part where the final response is "I've never had an affair before" after being informed three young girls are in the hot tub. In the case of David Seaman, he only gave you enough to cause outrage, but not enough to prove to other people that something sinister was actually going on. This strategy is in the parlance of "limited hangouts." The weak side of the argument, is then amplified using polemical tactics like calling people crazy, along with many other ad hominems. One advantage that conservative thinkers have is that they are far more emotionally resilient than the average liberal. In fact, lack of emotional resilience tends to be what shapes a liberals political views. AIs are now able to spot this in people merely by looking at them. But... so can Conservative thinkers, so long as they are informed about what to look for. I don't think Poal needs a lesson. While liberal astroturfing relies heavily on demoralization tactics and "negging," the truth is that they are far less capable of dealing with pushback. First, pushing back on digital counterintelligence operatives with weak emotional constitutions is easy. It is easy to turn their demoralization tactics around on them and force them to live with self hate and shame at what they are doing. It is easy to make them feel that hatred of their own own actions, where they sit down to their computer and emotionally hurt. This doesn't really work the other way around, especially once you begin to play with fake emotions online. There is absolutely no reason to feel emotionally attached to your online posting. Second, shills hate being outed more than anything else. You can use this as leverage because there is no such thing as cybersecurity, these days. While I have been doxxed repeatedly over the last ten years, it doesn't matter THAT much... especially now, since my whole town is getting death threats... because I stand behind my messaging. I believe in it. I want peace, security, safety and abundance, just like everyone else. Only shills don't want that. Well, they pretend. Social Media has been weaponized against you via counterintelligence frameworks. What you are dealing with is "crowdsourced counterintelligence." Counterintelligence back and forth gets convoluted real fast, so when you are dealing with techniques being used against you, the best "A to B" is to merely expose them. When in opposing echo chambers, it is important to leave behind searchable evidence for those following bread crumbs, later. Whether you like it, or not, if you're visiting Poal, you're visiting a digital battlefield where you enemies are here, pretending to be like you. You might as well get in on the digital fight and start presenting strong evidence against weak premises.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

Whether you like it, or not, if you're visiting Poal, you're visiting a digital battlefield where you enemies are here, pretending to be like you.

The difference is that you can see them glowing in plain sight. They can't control themselves with sliding/gaming votes and end up kvetching like pigs when caught by the algorithm. The merchant tag is also a visual representation of that group.

[–] 1 pt

This is why Poal is the best.

A true free speech platform erodes the efficacy of their strategies.

On reddit, in order to hide, they use tons of deletion and harassing tactics to bury good information.

Without that back up, they are left with nothing to clothe them other than their self hatred.