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Pentester Academy - Labs, Course, Certs

PentesterLab - Labs, Course, Certs

Hack The Bock - Labs Only, IppSec YT walkthroughs on old boxes. have to pay to get old boxes

Hack The Bock Academy - Course


https://www.cyberseclabs.co.uk/ - Labs, Courses PinkDraconian YT vids


Virtual Hacking Labs - training with certs

eLearn Security - certs, training by INE

TryHackMe - course labs

VulnHub - Free Labs

Burp Academy - Free course


https://www.pluralsight.com/browse/information-cyber-security general IT, DevOp, basic security and CompTIA certs

https://letsdefend.io/ Blue Team learnaing, SoC, Incident Responder, SIEM Engineer

https://hackademy.aetherlab.net/ Webaps and Radare2

https://courses.zero2auto.com/ Malware reverse engeineering

https://www.theosintion.com/ OSINT

https://academy.osintcombine.com/ OSINT

https://www.whizlabs.com IT DevOPs Business Ops, little security focus

https://www.isaca.org/training-and-events IT/Compliance

https://www.networkdefense.io/library/by/category/computer-security/ Blue/IT

Pentester Academy - Labs, Course, Certs PentesterLab - Labs, Course, Certs Hack The Bock - Labs Only, IppSec YT walkthroughs on old boxes. have to pay to get old boxes Hack The Bock Academy - Course crackmes.one https://www.cyberseclabs.co.uk/ - Labs, Courses PinkDraconian YT vids https://www.offensive-security.com/labs/ Virtual Hacking Labs - training with certs eLearn Security - certs, training by INE TryHackMe - course labs VulnHub - Free Labs Burp Academy - Free course OWASP https://www.pluralsight.com/browse/information-cyber-security general IT, DevOp, basic security and CompTIA certs https://letsdefend.io/ Blue Team learnaing, SoC, Incident Responder, SIEM Engineer https://hackademy.aetherlab.net/ Webaps and Radare2 https://courses.zero2auto.com/ Malware reverse engeineering https://www.theosintion.com/ OSINT https://academy.osintcombine.com/ OSINT https://www.whizlabs.com IT DevOPs Business Ops, little security focus https://www.isaca.org/training-and-events IT/Compliance https://www.networkdefense.io/library/by/category/computer-security/ Blue/IT

(post is archived)