Too bad they didn't see this coming. Too bad nobody warned them. They couldn't have suspected anything like this could happen because nothing like an oppressive government has ever happened before. Damn shame. Of course nothing like this could ever happen in merika!
Ok just watched the video, it’s not just whites or Christian’s they had been monitoring in the past but a “new group” who doesn’t like tyranny or Covid measures. The Horror!!
Hate to quote a commie but a stick clock is right twice a day.
One Man's Terrorist is Another Man's Freedom Fighter:
~Che Guevara
I wish all the freedom living whites in the world would immigrate to the US and we could start a separatist movement and live like the amish without government interference.
Didn’t these morons just ban tobacco sales for anyone born after 2008. Prohibition has always worked. Imagine getting 10 years for a pack of cigarettes.
They always need a new law to fill those prisons.
Domestic terrorist guilty of harbouring humanistic thoughts- execution tonight on The Execution Channel-- viewing is mandatory.
Listen to the shit they are slinging at 1:20! "They used to be known by their White identity or their Faith." If they were really worried about people becoming radicalized they would Never say stupid shit like that! Apparently, according to them, the only terrorist that exists are White's that have Faith! So now every White person with Faith is a potential terrorist!
Sounds like the Obama’s memo that was leaked from law enforcement. White Christian males, conservatives and veterans were the greatest threat to America.
(post is archived)