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But the great flood, the Bible, and God are fake, amirite?

But the great flood, the Bible, and God are fake, amirite?
[–] 0 pt

Did you know your god is a jew?

[–] 1 pt

Your wrong, but thanks for the attempts deflect from our everliving God. Let me guess, next you'll try and claim that kikes are chosen people too, ignoring the entire context of what that meant. Or perhaps you'll try and cite some Gnostic sources that pervert His word?

[–] 0 pt

Iesus Nazarenus, Rex Iudaeorum

[–] 4 pts

Yup, deflection. Ok, let's break this down for you.

Kike's were the chosen vessel of God's word. Why? Read the OT. They're a corrupt, evil, flawed people who do nothing but show off the most evil, and worst traits of humanity, culminating in the literal murder of the man who was their messiah.

To claim God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit shows a complete lack of understanding of the material. The prophecy itself was set up with Jesus coming to the jews first, because God KNEW they would murder a man who told them just how fucked they are. It's the entire purpose of the "Chosen People" to be so favored that they carry His word, only to betray, murder, and be abandoned by Him. Religion itself had NOTHING to do with his mission. It was atonement for humanity. He was born to jews to fulfill prophecy, but nothing during the earthly mission showed him to be a jew. Quite the opposite. Whether he was undermining "jewish" law, whipping kikes out of the temple for doing kike things, or even ordering his disciples to the gentiles after the kikes murdered him, if you want to claim Jesus is a jew, He was terrible at being one. God is God. Anyone who believes in Jesus sacrifice, and that God sent him to atone for us, is a follower of God, not a "jew" as you fixate on.

And I'm not even STARTING on how modern jews have literally nothing in common with jews from the 1st century outside of the same moniker title.