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Besides the fact that Ivermectin is safe (it's been around since the 1970s), cheap (patent expired long ago), and will compete with vaccines as the government's preferred means to slow the COVID virus, is there another agenda at play here?

Ivermectin is a very effective anti-parasitic drug. Viruses are microscopic parasites that invade and replicate in the cells. The medical community knows that several viruses lead to cancer (e.g. HPV, HIV, Hep C.....and others). What you may not know is that anti-parasitic medications have been used to kill cancer cells -- but this information isn't widely communicated to the public. Hmmm. Consider this:


"Ivermectin has powerful antitumor effects, including the inhibition of proliferation, metastasis, and angiogenic activity, in a variety of cancer cells. This may be related to the regulation of multiple signaling pathways by ivermectin through PAK1 kinase. On the other hand, ivermectin promotes programmed cancer cell death, including apoptosis, autophagy and pyroptosis."

Here's a real life example of a cancer patient, Joe Tippens, who had metastacized cancer through out his body and was told by his doctors to go home and prepare for hospice care (after many rounds of chemo). As a last 'Hail Mary', Joe took an anti-parasitic (dog de-wormer) known as Fenbendazole to see if it could beat back his cancer. Miraculously, his cancer disappeared in a few weeks. All of it. How did it work? Here's what Joe says scientists have discovered about Fenbendazole:

  • Kills the microtubule structure within cancer cells (structure that holds the cell together)
  • Inhibits the cancer cell's ability to absorb sugar (cancer feeds on sugar)
  • Increases the number of cancer killer genes produced in the body (known as p53)

Here's Joe's story:


Besides the fact that Ivermectin is safe (it's been around since the 1970s), cheap (patent expired long ago), and will compete with vaccines as the government's preferred means to slow the COVID virus, is there another agenda at play here? Ivermectin is a very effective anti-parasitic drug. Viruses are microscopic parasites that invade and replicate in the cells. The medical community knows that several viruses lead to cancer (e.g. HPV, HIV, Hep C.....and others). What you may not know is that anti-parasitic medications have been used to kill cancer cells -- but this information isn't widely communicated to the public. Hmmm. Consider this: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1043661820315152 *"Ivermectin has powerful antitumor effects, including the inhibition of proliferation, metastasis, and angiogenic activity, in a variety of cancer cells. This may be related to the regulation of multiple signaling pathways by ivermectin through PAK1 kinase. On the other hand, ivermectin promotes programmed cancer cell death, including apoptosis, autophagy and pyroptosis."* Here's a real life example of a cancer patient, Joe Tippens, who had metastacized cancer through out his body and was told by his doctors to go home and prepare for hospice care (after many rounds of chemo). As a last 'Hail Mary', Joe took an anti-parasitic (dog de-wormer) known as Fenbendazole to see if it could beat back his cancer. Miraculously, his cancer disappeared in a few weeks. All of it. How did it work? Here's what Joe says scientists have discovered about Fenbendazole: * Kills the microtubule structure within cancer cells (structure that holds the cell together) * Inhibits the cancer cell's ability to absorb sugar (cancer feeds on sugar) * Increases the number of cancer killer genes produced in the body (known as p53) Here's Joe's story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYILnjc_wuY

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

I'm not saying ivermectin and other anti parasitics cant be used to fight viruses or even cancer but I am saying that you are oversimplifying the behavior of viruses as "parasites" and concluding anti-parasitics should work on them because of an admittedly apt comparison but one that presumes far too much about microbiology mimicking macro biology.

Most parasites are filter feeders leeching nutrients from blood or refuse. Viruses aren't nearly as passive as this and most parasite meds arent meant to be taken up and be used by our cells they are meant to act in blood or digestive tracts.

The scale and behavior of heartworms to a cancer cell is 10,000x tapeworm is a million times larger, ringworm is 100-1000x, and a given cancer cell is 1000x the size of a corona virus.

Not all antiparasitics behave remotely the same, quinine and HCQ bond to blood cells making iron in blood unavailable to malaria the malaria bonds to the iron and steals oxygen and glucose and reproduces on the blood cell making that cell effectively larger and less efficient at carrying nutrition, white blood cells arent so great at catching a red blood cell mid stream, fever is the only natural defense to my knowledge. This is why HCQ wont work on tapeworms but might work on heartworms.

To my knowledge ivermectin has been a successful antiparasitic drug because it is effectively a poison that works better on less complex life using simplistic principles like most antiseptic or antivirals it isn't surprising that ivermectin would probably be a low efficiency anti viral or anti bacterial but unless your cancer specifically changes the cellular walls to resemble less complex cell walls like in bacteria and parasites I don't think the ivermectin should help it too much.

The powers that be are probably so pissed about ivermectin because it probably stands a chance to kill the parasites in their "vaccines" before they can do serious damage.

The goal of these mass injections is really looking to be a selective force applied on humanity, essentially eugenics and a planned genocide likely to centralize more and more power and achieve the depopulation goals they have been pursuing for decades.

[–] 1 pt

"The powers that be are probably so pissed about ivermectin because it probably stands a chance to kill the parasites in their "vaccines" before they can do serious damage"

Yes, it's occurred to me that the vaccines may indeed be a depopulation tool --or at least-- a means to keep us sick.

[–] [deleted] -1 pt (edited )

Most things attributed to viruses are actually just bacterial infections or poisoning from metals like mercury, aluminum or graphene.

There are no "viruses", nor can you "catch" one. lol