Taking or shilling for even a fantastic (((Nobel))) prize winning product (i.kym-cdn.com), means you are a useful idiot falling for controlled opposition. (rollingstone.com)
What did you faggots miss about Covaids being the common cold? Conversation/debate over. Faulty premise deserves no further examination. (myebeat.com) If you shill any treatment for Covaids the common cold, you are giving legitimacy to their big jewish lie & working for the elites trying to genocide us.
Taking or shilling for even a [**fantastic (((Nobel))) prize winning product**](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/025/124/7a2.jpg), means [you are a useful idiot falling for controlled opposition.](https://www.rollingstone.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Horse.jpg)
What did you faggots miss about Covaids being the common cold? Conversation/debate over. [Faulty premise deserves no further examination.](https://myebeat.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/41P7w2sv-L.jpg) If you shill *any* treatment for Covaids ~~the common cold~~, you are giving legitimacy to their big jewish lie & working for the elites trying to genocide us.
(post is archived)