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I bought 6 tabs from someone who said they weren't the strongest acid. Haven't done acid for about 8 years.

I also didn't drink from 2014-2017. But it's been getting bad lately.

I wanted a real trip so I took all six tabs. It was the strongest trip I've ever experienced. It reduced me all the way to my earliest memories of being a toddler that I didn't even know were still in there.

It completely reset my mind in regards to my alcohol addiction. I usually drink heavily every other day and skip a day in between. Now 2 sessions missed and don't even miss drinking.

I hope I am saved and I can keep it up.

I bought 6 tabs from someone who said they weren't the strongest acid. Haven't done acid for about 8 years. I also didn't drink from 2014-2017. But it's been getting bad lately. I wanted a real trip so I took all six tabs. It was the strongest trip I've ever experienced. It reduced me all the way to my earliest memories of being a toddler that I didn't even know were still in there. It completely reset my mind in regards to my alcohol addiction. I usually drink heavily every other day and skip a day in between. Now 2 sessions missed and don't even miss drinking. I hope I am saved and I can keep it up.

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts (edited )

Im glad you feel like youve got a new opportunity here, but I am not a fan of acid. It will “flip a switch” with some people who will become schizophrenic.

Saccharomyces cerevisiae (alcohol yeast) is a parasite as far as Im concerned. You ever hear about certain fungi that turn animals and insects in to zombies so it can complete its life cycle? That is what is happening with this yeast. It addicts humans who are compelled to serve it to get more alcohol.

Once I realized that I was being compelled by a parasite to drink, and that all my feelings towards booze were a trick of my hijacked neurology, I quit. Once I realized that there are humans getting rich by spreading this parasitic infestation, I vowed never to give them another dollar. My mindset totally changed. I do not miss it at all. The physical addiction died within two months. I have no urge to re-enslave myself to a microscopic yeast or the people that raise them in vats for personal profit.

Anyone who’s business is spreading the infestation of alcohol on the human populace is a cannibal. Dont reinfect yourself with this parasitic infection. Dont support the cannibals who live of the profits of this disease. It is a totally degenerate habit. Free yourself of this parasite once and for all.

Most drugs like pot and opium and coke are likewise human parasites. Once you understand that, that their effects are just an evolutionary exploit to live off you while killing you, you can reject them. Anyone selling them is trying to give you an infection.

[–] 1 pt

Marijuana is not a parasite tho i do think it's a symbiotic life form that is entwined with human evolution

[–] 0 pt

Well I do think booze and pot are entwined with human evolution but I don’t think its a symbiotic relationship.

[–] -1 pt

Nah weed has so many benefits. Losers abuse sugar too that isnt on the plant. We get perspectives from it that lead to innovation and in my experience reconcile aggressive impulses to align w our environment

[–] 0 pt

This post is bringing great knowledge. Reminds me why I love this place. Thank you

[–] 2 pts

You are welcome. Sometimes I worry that my takes will be to abstract and “out there” like this one. But I do see S. Cerevisiae as a harmful parasite has killed hundreds of millions of people throughout history. Its addictive quality drove the rum trade in the colonial era and that was the impetus of the trans atlantic slave trade. Rum is the reason we have blacks in the new world. And that’s just worked out great.

Jews and aristocrats got fabulously wealthy off rum, tobacco, opium, tea and coffee — all arguably parasitic organisms— while colonizing the shit out of the peasants and pushing their addictive crap on them. Once we are addicted we act like zombies and keep forking over our wealth to those fuckers. Even something as “harmless” as coffee— think of how much cash you drop at the dunkin donuts or whatever. I know I have.

We don’t have to be slaves to this sort of shit. We can be free. Its hijacking our free will but we can banish it from our nervous systems and our lives.

Look at how anxious they are to spread legal pot everywhere. Its just another way to make $$ off us. Jews don’t care. Aristocrats dont care. I could go on all day lol.

[–] 0 pt

If you have some of this stuff saved I would love to read. many truthful and insightful things are considered out there simply because most people are followers and want to stick to societal norms. Insight and wisdom are a rare jewel.

[–] [deleted] 0 pt (edited )

I thought it's dopamine trips that cause shizophreny

Neurotically observing rules like jews which are more shizophrenic than other races Autists who don't need socializing to feel joy anymore Hypersexualized, uncontrollably drugged autists who imagine themselves as the other gender Depression from the serotonin imbalance

[–] 2 pts

There may be more than one cause of schizophrenia and more than one disorder that are being diagnosed as a single disease. But for sure some people seem to have a predisposition that is triggered by pot or psychedelics.

Some causes may be infectious pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18591925/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12878806/ Fungi in particular have been known to fuck with the neurology of hosts in order to turn them in to dysfunctional zombies to help the fungus complete its life cycle and they use substances like psilocybin to do it. https://www.newsweek.com/cicada-parasitic-fungus-bugs-mate-spread-1594266

My personal experience is that I have known several schizos who directly attributed their illness to using acid and / or pot. Perhaps it triggers the disease in some people who already have some neurological damage.

Jews have unusual genes related to neurology. These genes are often responsible for hi IQ in the heterozygous case but may lead to disease in the homozygous case. This could account for some higher rates of mental illness.

Psychodelics seem to produce schizophrenic like thinking temporarily, which don’t cause permanent neurological changes in most people. But perhaps the tolerance threshold for these drugs is much lower in some people because of a gene or previous brain damage from an infection. Certain drugs really do seem to be a trigger in people. Interestingly it doesn’t seem to happen with alcolhol or heroin. I don’t know about coke.