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[–] 4 pts (edited )

Well, at some point, if not already we will all know someone or several people who got fucked up or died or had concerning reactions to the vaccine at which point it won't matter what fact check says to anyone.

Everyone I know that was stupid enough to get it had some really crazy reactions. For example

Bells palsy Metal taste in mouth Change in cycles MRSA Brain fog memory issues in ALL OF THEM Itching peeling fingers 2 fire fighters had massive heart attacks within a couple days of their vaccines

That's just people I know personally.

[–] 2 pts

It's been a mixed bag for my friends and relatives. A friend got bells palsy, and my father collapsed a few hours after getting it but he's mostly recovered. Another relative had a blood clot and is also expected to recover.

Despite this my entire social circle is pro vax because the electric Jew told them that their health problems were just coincidences and that the vaccines are perfectly safe. they're literal NPCs.

[–] 2 pts

I personally know of someone who had a heart attack the day after the vaccine and a fucking idiot who was pregnant and then subsequently suffered a miscarriage after being jabbed.

[–] 0 pt

You would think it would scre the shit out of them yet they say, "it means it's working".. fucking hell. The absolute epitome of NPC. It's almost bragging rights for them , a contest almost. Well, sounds like you are in the same spot as many others. Surrounded by turkeys drowning in rain drops.

[–] 0 pt

The media powers at work have turned the critical thinkers like us into the other. Virtuous people on social media get validation when they separate themselves from that group of “others” and this is why they don’t think. They simply do what will get them likes.

[–] 3 pts

my neighbor got her, her husband, all her kids, and her 2 grandkids dosed up. The husband died last week, shes in the hospital with blood clots, and her new 7 month old granddaughter is on life support since yesterday and isnt going to make it.....after her daughter told me all this she asked me to donate money to help. I laughed in her face and told her to fuck off....why is it my responsibility to help inbred morons fix shit that should have never happened.

[–] 0 pt

Wahahaaa ... noice one, and totes not one to rub it in but please please buy her a big fat 'Congratulations on your Achievement' card and tuck inside a business brochure for some shitty online caters-for-niggers-only funeral service.

[–] 0 pt

right?...lol....fucking sociopathic bitch killed her whole family (not yet..but they all took the shot, its only a matter of time...the 7th month old which is dead now was breast feeding) and thinks im supposed to feel empathy for her psychotic behavior. Guess the fuck again.

[–] 0 pt

IKR. I use to be a 'live and let live' kinda guy but these fcking useless NPC's continually agitating and pushing the dictates of the various Elite cabals of the world of everything from tranny book fcking library hour to lets give your innocent kid an experimental gene therapy just gets a total go fck yourself from me now days. Kill them all with fire ....

[–] 2 pts

Vaccine or virus?

Virus: 500k deaths reported * 6% without co-morbidities = 30k dead Vaccine: 4k deaths reported / 1% (VAERS underreport) = 400k dead

Sauce: Deaths https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html/

Co-morbidity https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/covid_weekly/index.htm

VAERS reports of vaccine deaths https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html

VAERS reporting of events (page 6) https://greatmountainpublishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Harvard-Vaccine-Injury-Study-Page-6-Reveals-1-Percent-Report-Rate.pdf

[–] 0 pt

You should post more. Nice links. Have an upvote.

[–] 1 pt

Yep. Now do the wuhan flu. They are as asinine as when they say the masks are responsible for ending all flu and cold strains while condemning a lack of masks for the rise of the chinese plague.

[–] 2 pts

Emotional manipulation works on women and low-t males. What they say isn't for you, you're not the consumer, your interests are niche. Women and low t men are who they advertise to, who they try to manipulate. Those are the demographics more likely to spend money and be good consumers. You rather fix shit than throw it out, only replacing things when they no longer work. Women and faggots know nothing about tech or cars, they are more likely to buy a new one that try to fix it. Or pay someone to fix it. Then buy a new one after the person they paid to fix it rips them off.

Also shut down states and borders when someone sneezes. But continue injecting the poison. It all makes total sense if you just follow the SCIENCE <tm> bigot!!

[–] 0 pt

plus a death 6 weeks later will be classified as a natural death

Oh politifag fucks is lying again or better haven't stopped ever.

Yeah, I remember the days when the "swine flu" vaccine caused toxic shock and people were losing hands and feet from necrosis...the public was aware because the media had a modicum of honesty...plus the images were horrible and got ratings.

The only database that matters is the (((database that keeps them in power and wealth))).

[–] 0 pt

This point is key...however, unfortunately MOST Americans are too brain damaged to understand this and apply your logic across the board. Our main problem in our war against the Cabal and effectively winning the information war is that the mental damage through 200 years of Jewish Zionist propaganda has left Americans completely unable to discern truth from falsehood and reality from reality from fiction. Even most of the so called "Patriots" are getting the vaxx's because our so called Presidente' Trump told them to! I have yet to have anyone effectively explain how Trump can be a Patriot and at the same time give us these so called, "Gifts from God"...as Trump called them. This includes Dave with X22, the guy who does the "And We Know" videos and any of the other Q followers?

[–] 0 pt (edited )

My moms left eye (the side she got shot #1) became saggy, not super noticeable but you can see it and she feels it.

I told her I don’t think she should get dose 2 but if she does I’m there for her no matter what.

Shit I know more people who the vax fucked up than the rona

edit not to mention 2 of my in laws died of heart attacks within 48 hours of the shot.