Wait, how do you know about honorary bro? Have we had this conversation before? Or did you see me call someone else an honorary bro? Your not a man I take it. I'm sorry i've forgotten, so many names to remember.
Class-A Honorary Bro. You're in a small and elite faction. CognitiveDissident5 was the original honorary bro; she's on Gab and goatpen and searchvoat forum. Used to be on Voat.
Just a coincidence I think.
I think I do remember cognitive dissident but I didn’t know she was a fellow vagina person.
Aside from being a vagina person, she's very knowledgeable and friendly. She's from South Africa and told me a lot about the place; cleared up my ignorance.
Im very knowledgeable too! Knowledgeable and f.....
Im very knowledgeable.
Have you ever noticed how weird the word knowledgeable looks on the page?
(post is archived)