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[–] 5 pts (edited )

Ok, I bring up the fact that there are lots of examples of hybridization.

Here is an exhaustive list, sorted by the distance between the parents, (macroevolution.net) which is used to make the argument that we, humans, are also hybrids (not derived from Chimps, but a 'lucky' chimp/pig cross), as we have the typical traits. (macroevolution.net)

In short:

And, most crucially, apparently our enlarged brains are due to the pigs capillary structure + ability to sweat from the skin. (macroevolution.net) Apparently, the human skull has small holes to allow hot blood from the brain to cool against the scalp, a trait no primate has, and only pigs also have. However, our brain growth is lifted from the primate.

Apparently, in primates and humans, the brain will keep growing until it exhausts the body's ability to cool the brain, and then it stops growing. This is why Bantu Africans / Apes / etc will keep up with White children in controlled settings until age 12 or so, when the White child will start outpacing the nonwhite. This also appears to be why North American Africans are smarter than their Bantu cousins, and why we as a whole get smarter the colder the regional average temperature + why the summer is 'murder season' + a number of other anomalies.

[–] 3 pts

I wonder if this is related on why some religions don't allow the eating of pig meat

[–] 1 pt

Nah, that’s to do with parasites afaik. Pig meat can be pretty dodgy (not so much these days thanks to better hygiene standards and the like) so religious leaders prohibited its consumption with some unrelated religious justification. Same reason jews don’t eat shellfish - dodgy at the best of times but especially so if obtained from warmer waters which you would have in the Middle East.

Cold Temp doesn’t make you smarter

[–] 2 pts

Cold temps don't make you smarter but they provide an adaptive advantage to smarter animals who can create better shelter, plan for food shortages, make better tools, strategize for hunting, learn quicker and communicate more effectively. Smarter animals survive to reproduce while others starve, freeze or get driven out by smarter ones.

[–] 0 pt

Well put, it makes you plan and exercise your brain while easy temps make people lazy.

[–] 0 pt

Yes it does. Environmental pressures force long term critical thinking and ingenuity.

Africa is full of food, which increased fertility and cause competitive pressures. These increased violent tendencies and athletic growth to win food and territory. The pressure was against each other.

Colder harsher climates meant less resources. Smaller tight knit groups working together to survive the environment. They had a larger territory and had less contact with other groups, and developed long term critical thinking and spatial awareness to compete against the environment instead of each other.

[–] 1 pt

Has it ever occurred to you that the earth is very old and the same things that are happening now with genetic fuckery has happened before?

As in, the pig is a creation of combining humans with something else, or perhaps even just failed genetic over writing, similar to what they're starting with RNA vaccine.

This is much more believable than we were made from pigs.

[–] 0 pt

The most telling evidence is that hybrids simply 'appear' in the fossil record, which causes us to look for strange-yet-missing ancestors (we call ours 'the Missing Link', which we now know doesn't exist, as we are likely hybrids), and there is no evidence that pigs 'just appeared' onto the fossil scene.

[–] 0 pt

We are literally hybrids.. We were made by the Annunaki. Spliced DNA.

[–] 1 pt

Fascinating. So humans are an alien manufactured hybrid?

[–] 1 pt

So humans are an alien manufactured hybrid?

Not necessarily alien - the chimpanzees we share lineage with are known for insane promiscuity, and pigs are known to have sex for pleasure (which no other primates do - they finish on average in seconds [3-6 pumps].

It was likely just horny animals too close in proximity.

[–] 0 pt

All animals have sex for pleasure. We’re driven to have sex by the reward centre in our brains which is where dopamine is produced. Without this many animals would die off due to not bothering to have sex cos it’s too much effort. Think a more natural version of D&D nerds.

[–] 0 pt

No, genetic experimentation failure produced pigs, not humans are made from pigs.