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[–] 8 pts

this just goes to show that support of the LGBTQIA+ is completely manufactured and not desired by any populous

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Many modern institutions are. Do you honestly think women like working full time as their eggs dry up so that her family can afford to live another few miles away from niggers?

[–] 1 pt

It's always been smoke & mirrors fake support for deviant ideology. But they've made so many deep inroads with it!

[–] 6 pts

Totally agree, this might be the time women will realize they have been duped in a crusade for rights championed by the devil

[–] 1 pt

_ > when communist propaganda surpass the collective common sense of all Western MSM

[–] [deleted] 5 pts

Why should we feel sorry for these women ? They asked for this with their retarded feminism politics didn't they ? On the other hand men who identify as female to cheat in sporting events are complete scum bags.

The young women competing in the Olympics didn’t start this problem.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Don't remember them speaking out against it neither.

They’re mostly teenagers and college age girls who are focused on training. I mean, wtf do you expect them to do?

[–] 5 pts


For all who don't know precisely. Even an INSANELY low-T male is SIGNIFICANTLY higher T than a high-T female. This in addition to the method in which male's androgen receptors work after gobbling up the free-T. As well as bone density and growth. As well as the actual structure of the bones themselves, primarily the hip=bone and entire shoulder girdle.

[–] 2 pts

But , but IT'S MA'AM now, right? She has feminine penis, not a real man's biggus dickus.


These female weightlifters look like bull dykes pumped up with steroids. It's one of least feminine sports. You get what you fucking deserve.

Fuck'em, and their phony bullshit games.

[–] 2 pts

The trannies of Alphabet Sodomites Plus have infiltrated real female sports.

[–] 2 pts

This how the globohomo destroys the 4000 year old exaltation and celebration of athleticism

Globohomo is what got women into them about 100 years ago in the first place. First Wave Feminism.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

You’ve worked your entire life. Gotten up at 5 AM in elementary school. Sacrificed holidays, birthdays, lazy summer breaks. You’ve worked yourself so hard that your body is warped, puberty got delayed, you developed physically in ways you may not otherwise have. Maybe you homeschooled, spent years away from your family at training camps. Maybe even got molested, like those poor girls on the gymnastics team.

You gave up your entire childhood. All for a shot at winning this one competition.

And some dickhead tranny has ruined it all for you. Even if you don’t boycott, which you won’t, because this was the point of your entire existence.

[–] 1 pt

Females will do whatever is trendy

[–] 1 pt

I cant believe people think transgender athletes isn't cheating

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