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[–] 0 pt (edited )

Heh! I hope I'm reading this right. Just for clarification:

1) I don't think women are the genesis of the sjw / marxist ideas. They are merely the current carrier wave within which the small dna of marxism is embedded and propagating it self.

Feminised men as well, and boy do I have a lot to write about that. Entire programming communities are falling apart because they are made of weak men that are entirely femenized.

My current observation (I could be wrong) the primary viral load is embedded within female nerological networks that have been exposed to these ideas via social networks but not too many actual men because those guys are just pretending they care so they can try and get in the pants of the infected group they are trying align them selves with. That's really most of what the men in these groups are, creeps trying to get laid, if you are a guy you can see this a mile away.

That is my current bias.

2) It seems to me that women have wiring that has specific features that make it vulnerable to certain types of manipulation.

Of course, it's not better for men. All women know how to exploit mens hard wiring, that is trivial. The conversation around loser and winner circuitry was brought up because of my grand dissapointment in our men. I look around and it is only our women making noise and screaming at the top of their lungs that something is wrong and men just sit around do nothing and engage the loser think circuitry and condemn them selves and our people to death.

I posted a video today by Karlyn Boryshenko about anti crt legislation being nutered in her state ... by a man. Our men are literally selling us out every single day. A lot can be said here as well.

Anyway, my estimation of the sjw / marxism / crt is roughly something like this:

3) Jews are a species of human where the males are submissive and females dominant. It is my observation that all jewish males use female social warfare tactics and never male warfare tactics. So a jewish male will argue semantices and infinite detail verbally BUT NEVER fight to settle the score once and for all. Also, jewish males NEVER let go and never forget, they harbour grudges forever, men have a fist fight figure out their status in the hierarchy and it is done forever.

So basically lawyers and the like. That is their survival strategy, female social warfare.

We spoke about where this comes from, ancient priesthood and similar classes via evolutionary bottleneck is the guess we came up with?

4) So, we take a species of human that is absolutely fascinated with the world in a kind of asbstract symoblic way, a species that deals with the world using female social warfare techniques and so forth ... what kinds of ideas will they dream up?

All kinds of mental chinese traps. Communism / marxism / crt are perfect maps onto female social warfare strategy because it uses words, infinite details, categorization and perpetual social warfare to propagate them selves.

Watch 3 jews talk about a 4th jew here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-i2ENzE3Og

Notice that ideas like chivalry, service to community, protection of family, fight with honour and settle issue with dignity and all western ideas are never mentioned. It's all just an abstract puzzle to them, they just cannot help them selves. Those 3 guys actually think they are having a meaningful conversation about a 4th jew that they think produced meaningful work. The mind boggles.

5) Anyway, jews never fight any wars them selves. They come up with basically mental versions of the chinese finger puzzles (great example of how it works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bovLQSkAxXU) and use those ides to split up the population along natural fault lines and use sub populations as carrier waves for these ideologies. The idologies morph and change somewhat, but largely the core ideas are carried along and remain the cancerous genetics spewing out poisons into the population.

Jews don't do this totally deliberately. Maybe they hope it does somehow but they don't know the end effects. They just create these mental chinese finger traps that our people fall for every time and by happenstance there is alwas a subgroup susceptible to these ideas. So during the era of the czar, the poor underclass was susceptible. Today the giant female population becomes susceptible via jews and other groups having direct access to femal nueral networks and preying on female tendencies to compassion, inclusion, saving everyone and everything and so forth.

It is my observation that the left (here in the states anyway not sure about other countries) can be subgrouped basically into this:

a) Mostly white women who become the carriers of the ideology once infected through their neural networks that don't have the normal family based firewalls in place.

b) All other subgroups they feel like protecting, which would be all humans that are signaling they are hurt or pretending to be hurt.

The idea of shutting down access to social networks to women and young people under 30 is merely to cut out the core carrier population from the infection, because the human mind just needs time and some peace to refocus and to re-orient it self.

It would leave all the deviants, perverts, idealogues and super damaged individual so it wouldn't get rid of the movement but it would cut it down by 75% because they couldn't parasatize female neural networks.

I'm not saying it's possible obviously.

That was my thinking. Care to take it apart? Happy to see where I'm wrong or new ideas can be added on.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

I agree with what you say. Women are susceptible to some of these mind viruses, possibly because they have no conception of how the economic world works, since women are poor wealth producers. They falsely believe they are as productive as males because of a government wealth redistribution scheme. Women don’t understand wealth. They simply see socialism as a way to improve their power position which they feel is totally fair.

Jews grow parasitic bureaucracies like other people grow wheat. They reward certain “out” groups which stand to gain much from joining a jewish coalition. That would be women, foreigners and other economically underperforming groups. Jews are good at inventing narratives which provide plausible justifications why women and blacks should make 6 figures being a commie librarian while a car mechanic barely makes 5. They always seem to produce an inverted morality in which every value which has made a society historically successful, is now suddenly mean and bad.

Women stand to gain everything (short term) by jumping on board jewish commie feminism. Literally nothing is their fault. If they dress like a prostitute and some guy remarks on their sexual appeal, the man is a villain. Literal prostitutes are now sex trafficking victims. No accountability. Just like with BLM. And an elaborate brain washing narrative is produced to facilitate the exploitive corrupt behavior.

Perhaps there is a lack of understanding by women of male social hierarchy. But this insistence that all people always tolerate any behavior and not judge, for instance, an economically worthless individual is just so female. Since white males make and build nearly everything useful, they are naturally the ones being undervalued in this scenario.

White males are highly programmed for chivalry. Appeasing women. It is a strategy that makes more sense in monogamy than it does in polygamy. In polygamy, you dont have to kiss your wife’s ass all the time, you can replace her if she’s too much trouble. You can’t do that in monogamy— females have a lot of bargaining power, so males tend to appease them more. How do you appease a SJW girlfriend? Wear a “this is what a feminist looks like” T shirt. A twisted form of chivalry.

Another group that they always go after is the kids. Intelligent college age kids eager for an ideology through which to understand the world.

I really think they just go in to a culture and start immediately distorting cultural information. It could be values information. Sluttiness is good! Laziness is good! Stupidity is good! The best people are the ones who are most dysfunctional! Moral people are bad!

Or it could be economic information they are corrupting. Or legal information. I mean, the purpose of a legal system is to represent the morals of a society. But they have completely divorced the law from morals.

If I were to boil their strategy down to one thing, it would be disinformation, corruption of data which helps coordinate a healthy society. They see a rich society. They disrupt useful cultural information that would cause the society to react defensively as they exploit it.

Once again, we must observe that the cuckoo doesn’t know its a parasite. It believes it is being wronged when its egg is chucked out of the nest. Why does the cuckoo think that it, the aggressive parasite, is the victim in this scenario? Because it is useful for it to do so.

I really like how you see all this as an evolution of competing memes within an information system, that is very much how I see it as well .

I find it fascinating to compare their MO now with what they were up to in other societies. Im watching this really good series on Egypt on bitchute and the lecturer is just great (though not red pilled) and it helps to understand a long lasting civilization like egypt to get perspective on our current woes. Civilizations have ups and downs and our problems have been endured before.

But of particular interest is the episode on the (((Hyksos))) takeover. The guy does relate it to the bible and make a case.


[–] 0 pt

Okay wow, that is quite a breakdown. I keep on tracking things at the 10 000 foot level because I am looking to see where they are going and what can we predict.

This breakdown is great, I have to do a bunch of digging, thanks for that and linkage.

I gotta tell ya and others here, the things you guys bring up and we end up discussing is amazing. I love the fights and I love the hey fucktard heres is a bunch of shit you missed.

Awesome. Keep it up, I appreciate it. It's challenging to have to learn so much.

[–] 0 pt

I tend to get too far in to the weeds when discussing stuff. I start rambling with no real direction. Probably because Im a female, but if you repeat that around here Ill deny it! ;-)