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[–] 3 pts

I keep saying we need to round up and exterminate all sociopaths to fully realize our potential as a species. But everyone says its too extreme. SMH

[–] 1 pt

At the very least come up with tests, both physiological and mental to determine who is a psychopath. Not to harm them, but to say you can't be a politician or a judge etc. Just like with other tests. The colour blind test for instance, where if you are colour blind you can't be a pilot or air traffic controller.

This seems like a pretty logical thing to do if you want to improve and protect society. Unfortunately, sociopaths are sought out by the Jews to carry out there evil deeds. This is why they rise in politics and business. Not because of their competence, but because of their ability to destroy their family, friends, country and race for personal gain.

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] 1 pt (edited )

We need a genetic test.

We have to match specific personality traits to genes. Some will be obvious—genes in high frequency in prison populations and among blacks that predispose violence and theiving.

Others will be trickier to suss out. Hi-IQ criminals may have a tools set that is hard to detect.

Dishonesty and manipulativeness. Hyperambition. Self promotion. Lack of conscience, lack of self awareness while perpetrating exploitive behavior. These are jew and globalist traits. Gypsies and irish travellers may have a few of these too. As far as Im concerned every jewish genetic marker that is linked to neurology is suspect. Every racial group will probably have some people with these genes. But they will be concentrated in certain groups. I suspect a lot of european/white elites will have these genes. If you know who has these traits and who doesn’t, it takes a lot of the work out of figuring out who to trust. Much easier to pick a spouse for example.

We need home gene kits.

[–] 0 pt

Have to disagree with you there. Now you are talking about eugenics. Genetic variation in humans and in nature is beautiful. It is God's hand and design. If you start manipulating genes to create superior humans, this will just give the Jews and elites the ability to create sheep and slaves to further subjugate the masses. Similar to what they are doing now with political & social constructs. However, it's pretty clear that some personality traits are so destructive that they need to be identified & contained. Psychopaths being one of them. No need to delve into genes to safeguard against this. I'm sure physiological and mental tests would be sufficient. Also, as Christians, we should have compassion for these people and not try to eliminate or ostracise them from society. Just like colour blindness and pilots, they should just be prevented from entering into some professions, where they can do harm, and allowed to enter others where they will prosper.