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[–] [deleted] 6 pts (edited )

Liberalism is a parasitic death cult that kills it's host. They have no children of their own but want to live off yours, they destroy their own communities, they enslave themselves to the government, which would all be fine if they would just kill themselves off silently and disappear into the history books for eternity. But no, they have to come for you, they have to come for your children, your family, your community, they have to spread it around like an infectious disease when they can't even keep the lights on in their own fucking cities.

[–] 6 pts

You should read The Gulag Archipelago to truly grasp the depth of the Ideological Marxism death cult. It not only creates a death cult, but requires one to exist.

[–] 1 pt

And, once again, great post. I have only read excerpts, adding to reading list. Thank you.

Looks pretty damn interesting I appreciate the recommendation.

[–] 1 pt

That book is based and redpilled canon.

Should be able to find a free online to download library.org I think it's one and it's a couple other free libraries online they even have a audio. Check jewtube author has done interviews.

[–] 1 pt

Only within the last year or so have I come to the same conclusion. Upvoated, thanks for posting so clearly.

[–] 3 pts

I unplugged the filthy lying tv in March of 2009, when I caught Nickelodeon attempting to convince my kids that two mommies is an acceptable family arrangement. Now every time I look at a tv I feel sick...so many people, even loved ones, buying into that shit.

[–] 3 pts

Haven't ever had TV since I moved out early. When visiting family it's bizarre to see the TV propaganda. It's so obvious and in your face with it too, but they anre inured to it and are used to having it on constantly. Some even sleep with it on!

[–] [deleted] 3 pts

Tell-A-Vision propaganda tool for the masses. Best thing we did is cut cable and now I watch and read almost no news shows.

[–] 0 pt

News is only good for weather and they get that wrong a good deal of the time.

[–] 2 pts

I can't wait for this faggot tranny bullshit fad to finally die out.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Wonder how many million TV's a day deleted the Nick channel or blocked it outright or just shut off the TV altogether. You know there were parents making calls "Sharon, shut the TV off, I just saw gay guys on Nick and then found it was on a bunch of their shows so shut off the tv and I'll come over and we can let the kids play together in the yard and drink coffee from now on".

That shit happens and it happens fast in all the towns across the country and in many countries is they have the balls to try that in other places that it isn't legal or the parents shoot pedo's on sight.

[–] [deleted] 2 pts

Entire board of directors should be dragged into the street and trounced.

[–] 1 pt

Things that don't matter. (((They))) print (((money)))

[–] 1 pt

If you let your kids watch tv you're doing it wrong to begin with

[–] 1 pt

My daughters are still mad that I won't let them watch Steven Universe but I have to draw a line in the sand somewhere, even if I live in fucking Gomorrah.

I’m glad I don’t know what that is, and neither do my kids.

[–] 1 pt

It's a cartoon about 'female gems' who are really just lesbians, instead of having sex they 'fuse' which is just a way to get their shit past censors. The main character is the fat retarded son of a bunch of these 'gems' and his deadbeat retard human dad. It's all written by some crazy SJW kike-ess named Rebecca Sugar who must have some serious daddy issues and is a real cunt. You might recognize some of the characters from the most egregious Nickelodeon PSA ever that went around a year or two ago.

Also E;R explains all this stuff and is very entertaining (youtube.com). The SU fandom makes MLP spergs look wholesome and well adjusted and E;R doesn't pull punches to please Susan so obviously you can only watch it via mirror anymore.

Fucking hell…. That shit is what parents are plopping their kids down to watch? How are there not parents with pitchforks on the steps of the Nickelodeon headquarters….

[–] 0 pt

Faggot Universe is the most disgusting, degenerate faggot fucking retard shit a child can fucking watch. Good on you keeping them away from that shit.

Parents don't want globohomo shoved down their kid's throats? Imagine that.

[–] 0 pt

That's right, they should be watching online videos... like WE do!

[–] 1 pt

Why did we wait for their LGBTXYZ crap to boycott these disgusting assholes.

I hated Nickelodeon even when I waa a child.

Degenerate, shit entertainment

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