lol ok. Literally just copying from wiki just to humour you now
“A pandemic (from Greek πᾶν, pan, "all" and δῆμος, demos, "local people" the 'crowd') is an epidemic of an infectious disease that has spread across a large region, for instance multiple continents or worldwide, affecting a substantial number of people.“
Wait, there is no death criteria? A fucking cold can be a pandemic? Is this what you thought the definition was?
Did the definition change?
No. The literal next paragraph states:
“ Widespread endemic diseases with a stable number of infected people such as recurrences of seasonal influenza are generally excluded as they occur simultaneously in large regions of the globe rather than being spread worldwide.”
Anything else, dear?
Here is a much older revision of the same article.
Why a much older revision? Because the WHO changed the definition of a pandemic back in 2011, to remove the criteria to require "a large number of deaths". .
Here's something about words:
Words are symbols. See, when I write "horse", no physical horse manifests in front of you, but it does conjure the image of a horse in your mind. A symbol has two main parts: the representation and the interpretation. The representation is, in the case of a word, the picture made by the letters or the modulation of air pressure that makes up a spoken word. The interpretation is whatever image it conjures in your mind. Nothing associate the two together other than convention: if I call anything other than the big hoofed mammal we can ride a "horse", you won't understand me. As a group of people, we agree on the interpretation of the symbol.
Changing the interpretation of a symbol can be used to mislead people. This is not something new, formal latin is pretty much a mean to deal with this issue (and why it has been used for so long).
So here, we have the WHO who decided to change the interpretation of the symbol "pandemic". Note that this change was not broadcasted to the population at large, in other word, the population still expect that a pandemic to be something deadly when it is no longer a requirement.
This is why I say that there is no pandemic, at least not by the definition used by the general population. A survival rate of >99.9% is nothing scary, nothing to justify destroying the economy and cause massive distress, and certainly not to go against the Nuremberg code.
(post is archived)