Hope for what? A large family reunion in 2060? Seriously who gives a crap about royal bloodlines and all that shit? Merit is the only measure.
Bloodlines matter to me. They matter to the Jews controlling and mixing into the Royal houses. They matter to everyone who has not been subverted, really.
On this specific case, I think there is merit in maintaining a 2000 years God Emperor bloodline through a lot of shit. I bet their IQ is well above average.
That's not how this works. The inbreeding generally renders the bloodline into a bunch of hemophiliac morons or congenitally insane weirdos like George III. And these Houses are typically parasites who produce nothing and own everything because their ancestors were good at raiding 400 years or more ago.
The days of kings like Charlemagne are long over, and the nation-state is here to stay, and they do not rule by "divine right," and should be laughed into oblivion should they claim to be, as should these inbred blue-bloods under discussion. Today the best you can hope for in a "ruler" is someone who can wave to the crowd with dignity.
(post is archived)