Did she say she lives on the island of Maui? Her “simple” home is worth over half a million dollars.
“I live such a basic life in a tropical paradise getting paid to be pretty on Instagram. I’m going to teach the rest of you to just be content living your rat race lives to afford your homes that cost a fraction of what mine does in places that are land locked and have temperature variances of seventy degrees or greater between summer and winter, and are surrounded by kikes and niggers who want to ruin your lives. Just, you know, be more content. Duh.”
After you figure out your personal finances, investments, and become financially independent, you can blow it all on retarded shit, or you can live a peaceful, boring life.
She makes her money by house hacking (shares a home with several families that pay her rent), investment dividends, working part time, and ad revenue.
(post is archived)