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Stretching is one of the best ways to improve blood circulation, relax your muscles, increase your flexibility, decrease stress, and prepare yourself to tackle the day.

Stretching is one of the best ways to improve blood circulation, relax your muscles, increase your flexibility, decrease stress, and prepare yourself to tackle the day.

(post is archived)

[–] 1 pt

What is it about slant bitches that makes me want to plant a seed in their cooches? But get them naked and they are just skinny and uninteresting and needy as hell.

[–] 0 pt

The temptation may come from some sort of subconscious biological urge that recognizes them as a subspecies we broke away from many, many millennia ago, back when early humans mated with neanderthals to produce what became our ancestors.

Interestingly enough, pure-blooded niggers do not possess any traces of neanderthal DNA.

[–] 1 pt (edited )

pure-blooded niggers do not possess any traces of neanderthal DNA


Blacks are VERY non human (lack Neanderthal Genes)

Note that the "Out of Africa" theory is now UNSUPPORTED by any fossil evidence!

GREECE : New fossils suggest human ancestors evolved in Europe, not Africa :
https://bigthink.com/surprising-science/evolution-europe - https://archive.md/cjpoL

First Human Ancestor Came from Europe Not Africa, 7.2 Million-year-old Fossils Indicate :
https://www.newsweek.com/first-hominin-europe-east-africa-human-evolution-613494 - https://archive.md/FZUW0

Europe was the birthplace of mankind, not Africa, scientists find :
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2017/05/22/europe-birthplace-mankind-not-africa-scientists-find/ - https://archive.md/9v2D5

Scientists Look To Europe As Evolutionary Seat : Found in Germany 20 years ago, this specimen is about 16.5 million years old:
https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2002/02/020219075535.htm - https://archive.md/gPIAN

A 210,000-year-old skull (Apidima 1) has been identified as the earliest modern human https://phys.org/news/2019-07-oldest-africa-reset-human-migration.html - https://archive.md/s3fWo

Study reveals that humans migrated from Europe to Israel 40,000 years ago [NOT from Africa]
https://m.phys.org/news/2019-11-reveals-humans-migrated-europe-levant.html - https://archive.md/OkmgF

Full shocking paper (it goes out of way to indicate Negroes are non-human) : summary meme :


Science quote : (even prior to recent 350,000 year discovery in DNA) : 2012 : "All the presuppositions posited in support of the Out-of-Africa hypothesis fail to hold up under simple scrutiny" :

meme from : Re-Examining the Out-of-Africa Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids). Part 2. SNPs, Haplogroups and Haplotypes in the Y Chromosome of Chimpanzee and Humans

paper : https://files.catbox.moe/fsszbi.pdf

MODERN species and sub species proposed names of various Homo shit-skins (detailed but lacking DNA refs) :


Neanderthal genes (lacking only in Negros) contributes much of the known 538 genes for higher IQ.

All non-negro humans have Neanderthal genes. Between 1% and 20% of the human genome is Neanderthal, depending on region.

Only the recent Black mongrels in the last 300 years have some from their human side.

No negro skeletons in Africa older than 300 years ago have more than 0.0000% Neanderthal DNA! None.

Science has proven many times that Blacks are VERY non human

Of the 538 genes for above 100 IQ intelligence, west african Negroes and Australian aborigines LACK most of the smart genes!

Look at bottom of this list of IQ from composited science paper research :


The smartest countries all have the least brown or black skins.

SKIN COLOR proven related to IQ:


The problem is that ALL humans on earth except blacks have brain folding genes from RECENT cross breeding with NEANDERTHALS (yes even everyone in south america), and the asians have these genes by breeding with DENISOVIANS (who also had bred earlier with NEANDERTHALS). And the SMARTEST asians bred at two points in history with DENISOVIANS, while the water-niggers and Thais only interbred one time.

Modern asian humans (smart non-Thai asians) interbred with Denisovans TWICE in history :


Some smarter asians picked up DNA, just as whites did, by breeding with Neanderthal&Denisovian half-breeds from conquering Neanderthal males... with full actual DNA sequenced from actual half-breed Denisovian+Neanderthal breeding bone fragment example ! :


Whites came from Cro-Magnon+Neanderthal mixing, Asians came from Mystery+Cro-Magnon+Denisovan mixing :

Europe's Ancestors: Cro-Magnon 28,000 Years Old Had DNA Like Modern Humans:


GENES 80% Predict your IQ!!!

DNA is well proven to be source of 80% of IQ based on mammoth research studies.

The two bombshell 80% DNA source of IQ studies ! :

2018 : 1,016 genes paper = Genome-Wide Association Meta-Analysis In 269,867 Individuals Identifies New Genetic And Functional Links To Intelligence Nature Genetics (2018) https://doi.org/10.1038/s41588-018-0152-6

Now 1,016 genes are proven correlated to IQ (many are brain , skull, or birth canal related, some might be merely (non-negroid) genes in general.

2018 : 538 genes UK Biobank DNA yields 538 genes that are linked to intellectual abilities - genetic effects on intelligence and personality https://www.news-medical.net/news/20180313/Large-number-of-genes-associated-with-intelligence-discovered.aspx https://doi.org/10.1038/s41380-017-0005-1

pop science description of the above :

538 genes that are thought to be linked to intelligence (by comparing 300,000 test subjects) :

https://archive.is/pJYfe (original deleted and censored, archive exists)

Table showing over 25 IQ related specific genes that MOSTLY are missing in africans:

The percentage of Neanderthal DNA in modern black humans is zero !!! (they interbred 300,000 to 185,000 years ago with a ape-like hominid, probably a version of Homo heidelbergensis branch):

ZERO Neanderthal DNA in all of African blacks , David Reich papers:



9 LIVING CAVEMEN with ACTUAL NEGROID HOMO ERECTUS Y DNA INTACT found in CAMEROON, and a camaroon negro found in USA with caveman DNA from 300,000 years ago completely unrelated to real humans ! :

https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2013-03/uoa-hyc030413.php - https://archive.is/nopJj

A00a-L1149 (or A00a1) Y DNA is 350,000 years old in many Negroes. Negroes DO NOT have common ancestor human Y DNA nicknamed "Y-chromosomal Adam" but they keep changing the definition every 5 years, to not let Negroes feel bad :

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Y-chromosomal_Adam - https://archive.md/tt8wK

US Gov scientists agree that some Negroes discovered to be non-human, and Negroes interbred with ape-like creatures long long ago :


Shocking quotes from PMC4947341 "Hominin interbreeding and the evolution of human variation":

one-fifth of the Neanderthal genome may lurk within modern humans... (but totally absent in Negroes)

SUBHUMAN! interbreeding between Sub-Saharan Africans and an as-yet-unknown hominin, such as H. heidelbergensis...


Ghost archaic introgression in African populations: http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aax5097

Some think that the Negroes that bred with H. heidelbergensis were "Homo sapiens idaltu", and that "Homo sapiens idaltu" thus evolved into Negroes, while actual humans descended from 'Homo sapiens idaltu' leaving africa and interbreeding with Denisovian+Neanderthal becoming real humans , now called "Homo Sapiens sapiens) [note the extra sapiens].

Some Russian and Chinese scientists currently denounce that and say its the opposite, and that 'Homo sapiens idaltu' ENTERED africa and interbred with the indigenous Negroes (H. heidelbergensis).

Homo erectus went extinct only 50,000 years ago (100,000 tops) and was provably low IQ and PROVEN LAZY, similar to current Blacks, but unknown how much DNA admixture of Homo erectus is in the modern negro, if any, due to heat damage of artifact DNA, Negroes diverged from all real humans 350,000 years ago, as proven and mentioned frequently already (current Negro Y-DNA A00a-L1149 is 350,000 years old!).

Laziness in Homo erectus proof YES LAZY BLACKS! :


NOT JUST LAZY hominids, but LOW IQ, lazy Blacks never invented any crops, domesticated animals, or even the WHEEL!

Whites & Blacks 100 FACTS! Blacks never invented the wheel!:

Its been known since 1874 that Blacks are NOT human. The negro ape in 2nd most famous biology book ever written. 1874 by Ernst Haeckel, the famed evolutionary biologist. He Unabashedly described negroes as a SUBHUMAN race with copious amounts of data! :

Famous book "Anthropogenie oder Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen" : Page 527 of 780 :


WOW! :

Even though Blacks are now proven from over 350,000 years ago, vs real Humans nowadays, There were MANY types of Hominids that looked like humans, right up until each were killed off and replaced by Modern Humans.

No matter how you organize the timeline, DNA does not lie. Blacks are an unrelated species. Most land mammals are radically different species after 120,000 year separation, and Blacks separated from all real humans 350,000 years ago.

Gorillas : Scientists claim at least two branches of gorillas are not merely a different subspecies but ARE DIFFERENT SPECIES (over 120,000 years apart), yet gorillas have far more DNA in common as a percent to each gorilla species than ANY Negro on earth has to ANY Non-negro !!! Negroes ARE A DIFFERENT SPECIES according to scientific logic, and not Homo Sapiens at all!


Bears and wolves are also different species (not subspecies) after separating 120,000 years ago. Niggers separated 350,000 years ago.

TL/DR : Negroes are NOT Human. Y DNA from a handful of talking apes in Cameroon PROVE that Negros are not HUMAN and Negros share few genes with all other races, and are almost closer to chimps, than the dna "distance" between two of the main species of identical looking gorilla species!

@chesus_rex , @Milky_Meat_OyVey

[–] 1 pt

Nil, you are a national treasure and the world needs more people like you.

[–] 0 pt

"pure-blooded niggers do not possess any traces of neanderthal DNA."

Where are you getting this from?

[–] 1 pt

Can’t recall, and it’s probably censored/redacted by now. Saw a study where they found Sub-Saharan Africans did not possess a specific gene that all other races had.

Sorry to bother you @nil, but I think you’d probably know about this and can explain further.