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More than anything, this is a PSA for anons for whom this may be relevant.

COVID lockdowns and hysteria caused a lot of bullshit, as we all know. But, it also created opportunity. Many companies were forced to go 100% remote, and many of them will never be going back to the "go to a physical office" model.

For those of you working remotely, the idea of overemployment may be of interest to you. It basically means that you simultaneously have 2 or more full time, remote jobs. Which means, 2 or more full time salaries.

There are some industries where this is totally possible, some where it's more difficult, and some where it may not be possible. If you already have a remote job, you can probably ascertain whether or not it is possible for you better than I could. But I do know that a lot of people doing coding work, for example, are doing this. As for me, I'm in digital marketing (SEO, Google Ads, etc.)

After losing half of my savings in a divorce at the beginning of 2021, I knew I needed to catch up. I got the bright idea to try to get another full time job. Long story short, the more I looked into the concept, the more I learned about how to pull it off. Overemployed.com is a great resource for anyone looking to do this, FYI.

At this point, I have had two full time jobs since early to mid February. I am likely going to add a third in the near future. From there, who knows.. perhaps a 4th?

I outsource some of the lower level, more menial/time consuming/less important tasks so that I am able to juggle everything in toto. Whatever I'm paying is worth it because I'm still making more money than I would with a single job. And, having a helping hand also is what will free me up to take on a third job when I ascertain that my hired help is trained up enough to handle more work and more efficiently.

Anyhow, just putting this out there in case someone finds it helpful.

Money=power. Get money.

More than anything, this is a PSA for anons for whom this may be relevant. COVID lockdowns and hysteria caused a lot of bullshit, as we all know. But, it also created opportunity. Many companies were forced to go 100% remote, and many of them will never be going back to the "go to a physical office" model. For those of you working remotely, the idea of overemployment may be of interest to you. It basically means that you simultaneously have 2 or more full time, remote jobs. Which means, 2 or more full time salaries. There are some industries where this is totally possible, some where it's more difficult, and some where it may not be possible. If you already have a remote job, you can probably ascertain whether or not it is possible for you better than I could. But I do know that a lot of people doing coding work, for example, are doing this. As for me, I'm in digital marketing (SEO, Google Ads, etc.) After losing half of my savings in a divorce at the beginning of 2021, I knew I needed to catch up. I got the bright idea to try to get another full time job. Long story short, the more I looked into the concept, the more I learned about how to pull it off. Overemployed.com is a great resource for anyone looking to do this, FYI. At this point, I have had two full time jobs since early to mid February. I am likely going to add a third in the near future. From there, who knows.. perhaps a 4th? I outsource some of the lower level, more menial/time consuming/less important tasks so that I am able to juggle everything in toto. Whatever I'm paying is worth it because I'm still making more money than I would with a single job. And, having a helping hand also is what will free me up to take on a third job when I ascertain that my hired help is trained up enough to handle more work and more efficiently. Anyhow, just putting this out there in case someone finds it helpful. Money=power. Get money.

(post is archived)

[–] 0 pt

Maybe there's a job in your field where the work is remote.. you could land one of those, then land another..

Not every job in my field is remote, either. I worked remote before COVID, incidentally. But after COVID, a lot more of them opened up.

Honestly, I am not "working my ass off" most days. My current situation is totally sustainable. I could probably get by without the hired help, but I am trying to have some balance in my life while juggling two gigs. And then some weeks, shit is busier and I'm glad I've got the help.

I don't know what your industry is, but if there's something remote for you out there, you may consider it.

I am making more money than I ever have before in my life. It's pretty fucking great. I can put more in savings in two months right now than I could in a whole year previously.