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Yey, I broke down and was down to 3 per set. But who cares!

Yey, I broke down and was down to 3 per set. But who cares!

(post is archived)

[–] 5 pts

I did 1000 in a day once. Started strong doing 50 at a time, by then end I was doing 5 every ten minutes. Would not recommend, that won't make you stronger. It was more a test of willpower.

Not trying to diminish your efforts! Excellent job working to improve yourself!! Keep it up.

[–] 2 pts

Thanks you make. Yes sir, I know some times it is just a test.

I'm just out of shape (not fat) and sloppy. I will get better.

[–] 1 pt

Younger me did something that but a stupider version; I did bicep curls. I spent the next few days arms bent like a lego.

[–] 1 pt

Hahahah I've done too many curls before as well. I can imagine that pain of forcing your arms straight

actually that will after a few days to recover activate a ton of new muscle fibers and testosterone production will likely increase. Now doing a 100 fast ones would be more gain and density but this is still not being lazy and pushing his limits which I cannot take that away.

[–] 2 pts

I don't think so man. That many pushups is comparable to running a marathon, it's catabolic as opposed to anabolic.

Strength is the ability to produce force against an external resistance, so it would follow that you need to produce more force against a more difficult resistance to get stronger. At a certain point your own body weight isn't enough resistance to get stronger, and if you can do 1000 in a day, you have definitely reached that point. The way to get stronger with pushups would be working on isolating the effort to one arm or inclining the body angle to increase the resistance of gravity, gradually working towards doing single arm handstand pushups.

I agree, I just didn't want to make fun of his effort just making sure to drop that 100 rep in there so he'd moderate his efforts for less pain and wear and more gain and force.

I was pushing 300 lb presses but I had no reps when pyramiding sets past 15 which was a huge oversight I found later in life since 25 at lowest weight would have been much better.

Ended up that I weighed so much 230lbs that I had to carry that everywhere I went including work.

[–] 2 pts

Are you doing something to balance it out? If you don't, try something easy to pick up like this (military.com) for starters. On the first one (you can) lift your legs too. These saved me when I was stupidly doing only pushups and started having pains.

Good job.

[–] 1 pt

Unfortunately I live in the nigger jungle. I do have a forest nearby that I walk 4.5 miles in when I have the opportunity. Last year I walked 4.5 miles almost every day.

It made me happy.

I am not happy now.

E: And thanks!

[–] 2 pts

I live in the nigger jungle.

ProTip: around blacks, never relax

I'd do bent over rows years ago with 180 lbs on my barbells. I learned though using dumbells is much better for balance and the rotorcuff muscles in the back of the arm also, keep you head raised though or hump time not should workout.

[–] 1 pt

Good sissy boy, im 350lbs of pure muscle and i can do set of 500 push up like nothing, but hey, keep trying, ese...

[–] 0 pt

Do you lift things up and put them down?

[–] 1 pt

Keep at it and add one more every other day to your reps.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

How many you do today? No knocking you.

My flimsy arms are going to break. I used to do 150 a day last autumn.

E: I am amazed at how weak I got over the winter ... it is almost comical.

[–] 2 pts


[–] 1 pt (edited )

Fucking amazing! Total credit! I want half!

E: I must stand against you in battle!

[–] 1 pt

They only get easier the more you do. Never stop improving

[–] 1 pt

Keep it up king.

[–] 1 pt

Yeeeearrrgh ... cough cough ... ump ... yes.

[–] 0 pt

I weigh 180 am 46. I benched 225 8 times solo yesterday.. did 205 10 times eazy

[–] 0 pt (edited )

You're my hero! Actually, nice job. I'm 48, can't see right, and am weak. Teach me your ways, sensei!

E: Also, I'm 6' and 165, you fat fuck, lol.

E2: My hollow points are better than your hollow points.

[–] 1 pt

I got pretty good bullets too!... I eat one meal a day that is healthy usually poke bowl raw protein and colorful veggies with chocolate milk and yogurt and fruit.. snack some during the day.

Lift mon/wed/Fri

Don't jog as much as I should...

I got a vepr12 with 25 round drum and multiple magazines so I'm ready if the shit hits the fan.. buck shot #8 and slugs...

I was 210 when covid started intermittent fasting is the key all healthy issues I had went away when I ate less and fasted every now and then... at our ages big weight sucks but I keep pushing you should keep pushing too.. 175 would be a good weight for you 195 for me if I keep putting on muscle! Keep crushing brother

[–] 0 pt (edited )

So, tough guy, you gonna join us goats?! Or you just gonna brag about your guns?


Only Brave browser works really for whatever reason.

Leg length is a factor, short legs are likely to make it easier to gain weight since shorter quads burn less fat. I was bulked and 230lbs and did over 300lb bench and 800 lbs hackslide with a 26inch inseam. Now almost 60 went from 260 injuries and health no lifting to by eating more fat less oil sugar down to today 208lbs and can lift more without the pain of just a few years ago.

Height and no injuries mean a lot since that injury can cost you a few years of gains and add 50lbs in a few month plus you have to startup at maybe half your norm.

Anyone that lifts needs to ignore doctors and with research realize like I did to late. Eggs are a huge health benefit, hardboiled are the best for muscle tendon health, massive tendenitis eating high protein but it's the vitamin A "avoid betacaratein. It fills the vitaminA retinol "For skin and tendons health" receptor so you gain immune but lose rebuilding ability. So fried or hardboiled not raw actually less protein suprisingly.

To avoid bitch tits get some grape-seed extract, blocks the conversion of free testosterone to estrogen so more muscle and less feminine soy look act.

[–] 1 pt

I only have a small gut. I'm working on that.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

Also in my 40's. I do 3 sets of 10, 3 times for a total of 90 reps, M/W/F. On Fri, if I've not skipped a day and I've done all 90 reps every day, I add 5lbs and do another 10 reps. Then I leave the added 5lbs on for next week. I'm lifting 105lbs right now, working my way up to your weight some day.

[–] 1 pt

Constancy and dedication and discipline are the key. I am trying to just get stronger and not add much weight.. if u want to get stronger eat... then eat then eat and sleep.. it is unbelievable the weight lifters complain about eating more then lifting

[–] 1 pt

I reread that.. thats a lot of reps.. but thinking back when I was younger. I'd do.. 2 warm up sets of 12.. 45 pound plates.. then 3 sets of 10... 225... then cool down and burn out 12 and then burn out could be 20...

So shit I'd throw up 90 total as well about

[–] 1 pt


I have this on my phone when I need a little push to work out or if I am trying to make gamma excuses to not work out

[–] 0 pt

Nice, now you can do pull ups.

[–] 0 pt

But I cannot.

No fucking clue why. I could do 150 pushups. Not one pullup. Fuck me.

[–] 1 pt

Honestly, probably couldn’t do one myself anymore either.Need to get back in shape. It’s tough but don’t think you can’t push yourself harder. Unless you’re hurt or are a brick shithouse.

Why= pushup is tricep petoral muscle groups, pullups are bicep lats and mid back muscles.

Now patiently do curls and bent over rows for around a month building reps and wieght then you've prepped for pullups. Also like anything maybe get a stool and stand under bar and slowly lesson legs assist and also negative reps will build muscles so in chinup position lift up legs and slow and controlled lower yourself, then stand and repeat.

You can pullup using just some leg help so you can just barely do it. In 3 months you should be able to do at LEAST 5 hopefully more if you're diligent in your training of every day with assistance but every other day without so your muscles heal between work outs.

Never overdue it as in working past pain but maybe once a month then give yourself 2 or 3 days off.

Now almost to pain but not unrepping it you can workout daily, but also work out the opposite muscles as in benchpresses or pushups equally so your not to strong on one part as the opposite part, balance is key to all.

[–] 0 pt

No fucking clue why

You need to be under a certain BMI and withing a certain amount of fitness to do them.

That and, you know, actually doing them. Daily. Start with one a day. And if you can't do one, do as much of one as you can. Then the next day do more of one until you get to 100% of one.

Then do two.

[–] 0 pt

Last year, I was doing 100 inclined chin ups in the park. I found a tree that I could do a full real one. Still couldn't do it, lol.

[–] 0 pt

And I pinched my dick several hundred times, yay

[+] [deleted] 1 pt
[–] 0 pt

Are you mocking me? I just did 70 pushups.

No wonder the niggers and jews are winning. See example @anus_expander ... go figure.

[–] 1 pt

I have oft admitted being part of the reason Western society is on its last legs. But I can do 70 pushups while eating a bowl of soup through my nose, nigger.

[–] 1 pt

You do realize you used formatting for "nigger," right? That's kinda gay. Like space.

[–] 0 pt

What are you gonna do if I do 100?

[–] 1 pt

Praise you!?

You can't do it! You are playing this all wrong. You are a weak nerd. I'll find a way to send you $100 if you can do 4x25 pushups with a five minute breather (I can't breathe!) in between.

Game on whenever you want. I trust you.

E: It must be 4 x 25. Or 5 x 20 is good enough.

[–] 1 pt

I'll do 4 x 25 today with no more than a 5 minute break between sets, or I might just do 2 sets of 50 I'm pretty sure I can do 50 in a set. Will update when I finish.

[–] 0 pt (edited )

And nothing further was said, lol.

Can I just send a check to you for $100 anyway?

E: Actually, drunk, but might up it a bit.

[–] 0 pt

Congratulations! U need eat healthy too. Come to Chef Dong's for Chef Dong's Chicken. Make u strong like buffalo.

[–] 1 pt

Chef Dong I support you know mater what for $8.99. I want not pre-made shit. I want good quality American food. You fucking Egyption niggers.

[–] 1 pt

Your comment make no sense. Clear your mind by eating Chef Dong's Chicken.

[–] 1 pt

Can I resell the chicken to stupid niggers? Chicken wings are at a premium right now.

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