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These filthy jew rats will kiss your ass to get you to fight their wars and then treat you like slaves.

And for the record, Israel is not a NATO member.

"Spitting on Christians is a jewish custom"

This is how jews treat Christians in Israel. [0:45]

This is how jews in israel treat Christians part deux

How jews treat Christians in israel Part Trois

These filthy jew rats will kiss your ass to get you to fight their wars and then treat you like slaves. And for the record, Israel is not a NATO member. ["Spitting on Christians is a jewish custom"](https://poal.co/s/Jewspiracy/670908) [This is how jews treat Christians in Israel. [0:45]](https://poal.co/s/Religion/671773) [This is how jews in israel treat Christians part deux](https://poal.co/s/jews/671814) [How jews treat Christians in israel Part Trois](https://poal.co/s/jews/671830)

(post is archived)

[–] 4 pts

The same idiots who go on about "holy land" are the same (and I hate this term) christcucks who blather on about "I stand with Israel!"

The only reason a true follower of Christ should give two fucks about that area is to watch for signs of Revelation beginning to pass. Otherwise, it's just another plot of sand in the middle of a desert filled with child molesting sand niggers.

[–] 1 pt

They have no shame or honor at all, being such two faced, subhuman liars. Their lies know no bounds.

[–] 1 pt

The first lie is that they are chosen people. This is a Rothschild state. It even has the family crest on the flag. The Palestine problem was that the land was taken from it owners and given to Israel. They got no restitution and no payment. People lifetime farms, homes and properties ownership stripped and given to another. This war that is happening is predicted in the bible and Israel will gain much land and Damascus will be no more. The equipment left by their enemies will be burned for years providing fuel the nation. Just one more step in the puzzle of Jesus C return

[–] 1 pt

Israel will gain much land and Damascus will be no more.

lol don't hold your breath.

[–] 1 pt

End times are when the Israelites return home. Few Isrealites are there and there exists no movement for the Israelites to return. It also requires the rebuilding of the temple. That's not happening. Even the discussions of doing so are at the wrong location. Nothing, in context of current activities, align with prophecy.

[–] 1 pt

Don't forget that some people want and need those prophecies to turn true, and they work their asses off since decades to make that happen. A literal psyop of biblical proportions. Prophecies can also be viewed as geopolitical landmarks to attain, it's not mutually exclusive btw

[–] 0 pt

Keep in mind, those are not their prophecies to which you refer. What they publicly decry does not align with their own books.

[–] 0 pt

The temple is not on the dome of the rock. This war may be the prophesied in the bible where Israel gain much from their enemies inc luding territory. Damascus is no more. This has not happen yet. May be coming here.

[–] 0 pt

Jews ARE the chosen people, however, they take the meaning literally and not understanding the true meaning. Jews were selected as the transmission source for God's word through the early part of history. The reason for this is they are a deeply flawed, selfish, unrighteous, evil people who not only turned on God and betrayed his love throughout their own history, but also epitomized this by murdering Jesus Christ on a torture cross.

Being the chosen people in this case is not a badge of honor. You were chosen as an example.of showing WHY humanity is judged how it is, and why we need His love to save our souls.

No one is righteous. No, not even one. All fall short of the glory of God. Jews especially.

[–] 1 pt

I can agree with you point. I am looking at their view point. Thinking they are above the world nations laws and are blessed by God to do what they want. That is the Rothschild method of controlling society.