And English people are
___White ___Black ___Asian ___Martian
You are either an idiot, willfully deceptive, or just an antagonist or operative looking to distract.
You don't understand how brain fucked by jews you've been your whole life, here's the deal:
See her?
She's what? White, obviously, you aren't going to tell me she's black or asian or martian
Well her name is elif ozkul and she's turkish... Not exactly the very definition of "white people"...
"White" isn't an identity, it's a loose label for people who lost their identity by leaving their native land to go live on foreign lands typically, which is the case for a big chunk of the anglo world btw. Those european descendants who settled in americas used to have their identity rooted in the place they were coming from AND in their religious affiliation, but now that they've been detached from their native land for so long AND that their religious affiliation barely means anything now, they only have a loose label, namely "white", to maintain a semblance of identity in their ever changing multicultural and multi ethnic environment... Not so long ago the irish were a tad considered as sub-par in the anglo-saxon world...
Jews use the "white" label to define all goys that are essentially not brown/black/yellow. From italia to russia, all that is white to them. But russians, they are russian first and foremost for themselves, they don't hate italians it's just that they have nothing to do with them, they don't even have the same alphabet, the same religion, the same history
Unlike you my identity isn't about being some sort of breed of farm animal that you call "white"
Strawman harder
It's not a strawman it's reality
You come from a people that barely achieved anything worth mentioning in history but now here you are claiming the achievements of all european people in history by labelling yourself white-just-as-them-all, how convenient?
Seriously what's ireland in "white"/european history? Nothing, that's why you people are called potato niggers!
(post is archived)