Today in the Church there are hundreds, thousands of clerics, priests, monks and nuns, brothers and sisters, religious and lay people to whom a tyrannical and corrupt authority denies the sacrosanct right to be faithful to Our Lord as our brothers have been in Faith for two thousand years. It is no coincidence that the "new church" defines itself as "conciliar" precisely to differentiate itself from what it simplistically calls the "pre-conciliar church", but with this significant distancing it demonstrates that it acts outside and against the one Church of Christ. It does not tolerate Tradition: the rigid , the backwards must be considered as suffering from a pathological disorderand they must be ousted from the Church. It matters little if they remain in the middle of the street, without means of sustenance and without accommodation. In recent years an ever-increasing number of priests, seminarians and young people who feel called to God's service in fidelity to the Catholic Tradition have turned to me for help and support: so far I have tried to personally meet their needs, spiritual and materials. The time has come to organize a network of support and resistance to put a stop to this disastrous situation.
This is all the more necessary at a time when seminaries, distorted in discipline and doctrinal formation, are receptacles of corruption and schools of heresy for the few who still dare to venture there. We therefore need a solid and uncompromising formation to the priesthood, and that it is economically self-sufficient so as not to have to fear Vatican retaliation. But economic support for priests and traditional religious communities is also urgently needed, because without means their apostolate is seriously compromised. These priests and religious, who by the law of the Church have the right to a salary and a dignified place to live, find themselves overnight deprived of any material help, and some bishops have even dared to forbid the laity to help them in their their immediate needs, going against the most elementary evangelical principles of charity.
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