This is real.
I've seen that top picture before and now I need to know where. Anyone know what it is from? A Dragonlance book maybe?
Looks to be this one:
Used as phone screen background, avatars, etc.
Now do muslims and the koran
Found a good one in my collection. It's from August 2017, maybe from the old Voat. Quoting in entirety, including user name. From a quick reread and my own experience with muds here in Germany and when I did a couple work stints in northern Africa, he's pretty much bang on. The country where I worked was basically a dictatorship. Things worked as good as can be expected with a population saddled with a mediocre education system.
Most of the ones I worked with were smart and reasonably down to earth. Pride was a huge factor.
Years later, they had a color revolution and got the gift of democracy. Shit went down hill from then on. Just my impression and nowadays I'm on the outside looking in, but it seems to me that there is little belief into the democratic system and the corrupt politicians are mostly just going through the motions.
There used to be rampant corruption among even small fry officials. Tempting, but you wouldn't want to do anything 'unofficial'. Would it come to light, you could kiss your business or a bundle of cash good bye. That's old info from over 20 years ago. Can't vouch for current accuracy. People change, right? No they do not.
Here goes:
Europeans don't get why Muslims are pests. Even many far-right people don't. (European)
submitted 5 hours ago by G_Petronius
Among Europeans, there are of course the cucked and the brainwashed who only ever allow themselves to see Muslims in the MSM-approved, politically correct way.
Then there are those who see the problems, but mostly chock it up to poverty, ignorance and cultural backwardness.
Then there are those on the right who think Muslims are so entitled, demanding and prone to prevaricate because Islam teaches them they're the best religion and they must crush infidels. That's part of the reason, but not the core of it.
The reality, which you'll learn if you have any experience in Muslim countries, is that Muslims have a completely different mentality from us.
For many thousands of years, Europeans have based their social systems of some idea of fairness. What the basis for such fairness was has changed wildly: the consent of the elders, the vote of male adult citizens, divine right and so on; regardless of what it was, the fundamental idea was that we must all behave according to a sense of morality that's higher than us. We mediate our social contrasts through such a lens, always seeking to justify our interests and desires in terms of things we are entitled to because of some higher principle.
That is not remotely so in Muslim cultures. In Muslim cultures, might makes right. It is entirely expect that the strong will oppress and mistreat the weak, taking from them as much as they can; likewise, the weak are expected to do all they can to assert themselves and take what they need from everywhere they can.
You can see this in modern-day Muslim countries in their relationship to government. Muslims don't expect the government to care for them, nor do they expect it to be susceptible to such concepts as duty, legality or equanimity. Rather, they expect that the government will give them as little as possible, and that they must ask of the government as much as they can, bothering it as much as they can, in order to reach some compromise where they get what they need.
When they are in a position of power, they automatically start exploiting those below them, because that's simply what you do in their culture. When a tribe or religious group gains power in a Muslim country, it immediately starts siezing businesses, well-paid government positions and so on, taking them from weaker tribes who can't defend them. This is entirely natural for them: they don't see it as an injustice, just simply what is done.
When Muslims come here, they expect things to work more or less the same. They know we're richer, but in general they expect us to not give a shit about them, to give them as little as possible, and that they'll need to plead, cajole and make a nuisance of themselves to obtain some concession.
So naturally they immediately start doing that. It's barely even malice: it's simply normal for them. When they find governments that flood them with gibs and NGOs that give them houses, food and money, they think that we must be idiots: we have all the power and yet we're giving them all this free shit! the more they get used to this, the more they convince themselves that we truly are idiots, which in their mind means something simple: eventually, thanks to all the gibs they can take from us, they will become stronger and then they'll take over.
The Islamic supremacy taught by the Quran helps, but it's really just dressing on top of Muslim tribal culture. The fundamental instinct towards prevarication and exploitation is aside from religion. In fact, people vastly overestimate how religious most Muslims are: the vast majority are ignorant of the tenets of their faith, which is only to be expected given the abysmal state of education in Muslim countries. Those who become super-religious here in Europe are often second or third generation, and generally influenced by Wahabi mosques who push radical Islam for Saudi political goals.
Thus, keep this in mind when you see Muslims acting entitled and disrespecting Europe like it's in their right to do so: they totally believe it is, in fact they don't even think they're doing anything wrong, it's just how they think everyone smart and tough behaves.
Thanks for saving this and reposting. It's always good to hear from those who know a culture. Seems applicable to ghetto culture too - blacks are taught to see themselves as oppressed and helpless so they feel justified in being demanding and taking anything they can get. Then they feel like kangs when their demands are quickly and easily fulfilled by liberals so they believe they deserve even more.
They did. They left that one out.
(post is archived)