Interesting. I'm not Christian but I've heard that the Book of Enoch is about this, though it's not recognized as cannon because of when it was written. Some think gods described by the Sumerian religion were actually aliens or fallen angels who created the Nephilim. There are also some schizo esoteric Aryan theories about good aliens creating the Aryan race and evil reptillians creating the jews haha
edit: btw Robert Sephehr has some good videos about giants, small people etc. that you might be interested in. He also gets into some really bizarre theories and is a jew who lies about not being a jew though.
Another apparent misnomer… “Nephilim” are not the hybrids. They are fallen angels..the fallen angels are the ones who, according to the Bible, taught men to sin (or at least accelerated their abilities and efficiency at sinning). The nephilim created the hybrids.
Nephal means “to fall”….
The suffix “im” is consistent throughout scripture to describe different classes of ANGELS, specifically…
You see?
There are also naming conventions for tribes or beings created by God.
Michael, Gabriel. Both angels. ISRAEL.
Satan’s actual name is Halel. Not Lucifer.
Notice the similarity in all of them? They carry God’s name: “El”…
It’s so simple, yet so complicated.. I think it complicated because we, with the help of the evil one, have complicated it.
But, it’s all right there in scripture if anyone would care to look.
Just saw the other stuff you added. I've heard about the disagreement about what god's name is but I hadn't heard that about Halel. What do you think about Lucifer? I ask because some people think the satanic religion that will be introduced in the end times is Theosophy because of Lucis Trust, which has consultative status with the UN. Lucis Trust says Lucifer was a good solar angel on their website.
God has MANY names, actually.
But I don’t know, my understanding is that man gave satan the name Lucifer at some point later and it stuck…borrowed it from a pagan demon god or something. I don’t know.
Ah ok. Got it. Yeah, I actually just learned about these theories recently so I'm not up to date on the terminology. But like you, I also really questioned the parts about genocide and left Christianity at a young age for that reason and a lot of other reasons, but I will keep that interpretation in mind in the future.
Most of the reasons people leave or reject the gospel (which literally means “good news”) is because of other people.
Legalists, religious types, hypocrites…it’s a shame because neither God himself or Christ are at all represented by those people and yet in reality, yet they are often rejected because of those people.
The present day Catholic Church is analogous to the Pharisees back then..
Jesus despised the Pharisees and everything they stood for.
Jesus, God, and the Bible aren’t your problems. It’s other people claiming to represent them, who really don’t.
I never outright “left” the faith…but I may as well have.. I felt the same way for a time that it sounds like you did.
That’s how I know that God was never the problem. I allowed other people (or entities) to define my relationship with him..and they poisoned that definition.
I’d tell you to reconsider, set yourself correct with him. Don’t let someone else dictate that relationship.
(post is archived)