>I am now postulating that JIDF agents are driven to action by their faith... and that is the thin edge of the wedge that can be driven home.
I came across that balaam character by looking for "talmudic prophecies" https://search.brave.com/search?q=talmudic+prophecies
First result https://www.christianforums.com/threads/talmudic-prophecy-about-germany.7857186/
>Even the false prophet-for-hire balaam (may his name be blotted out) got a few things right.
>Balaam was a true prophet, but didn't support Israel. There is no implication in scripture or tradition that he ever did anything "false". He was however using his true knowledge against Israel, by advising Balak on how to defeat Israel through Moabite women.
There's a big deal around talmudic prophecies/eschatology, things that must happen before the messiah comes. I've barely started to scratch the surface, but from what I started to understand 1) They need for all jews to own everything gentiles own (rings some bells like you'll own nothing and be happy, blackrock and fink), by essentially positioning themselves as middle men everywhere. There's even a story about each jew owning thousands slaves before the coming of the messiah, 2) They also have to kill all goyim
Second result https://sjobst.blogspot.com/2017/08/extremist-rabbis-talmudic-prophecies.html
In a sermon uploaded directly to his Liveleak account on 20 November 2013, Rabbi David Touitou, a French-speaking Haredi rabbi based out of Ashdod, Israel (according to his Facebook) and appears to be connected to the Jewish supremacist Chabad movement, proclaimed:
"You will pay dearly for it Europeans! To such an extent that you have no idea! And you will have no place to run to. Because all the evil you have done to Israel [the Jews], you will pay for it a hundred-fold. When Italy will be gone, when Edom (that is why Christianity's headquarters, which come from 'Hessal', is there), when that place will be gone, and that's what Islam is going to do. Islam is the broom of Israel, you have to know it. So, instead of having us do all the job, He sends Ishmael to solve the problem. When he is going to clean all this and that the wine will come back home, then it's Melah Ramachiar(?).
"The war of God and Magog, this furious war that we are all waiting for. The Rafet Israim(?) said: 'Do not expect to see anything other than Islam stand up against Edom [Europe/Christendom].' According to the Rafet Israim(?), the Gog and Magog war is that Islam in Europe will rise as one man and they have everything to succeed. This war in the world we live in is necessary. Why is it necessary? Because one is going to use the other so that Israel does not enter war, and this will cause Ishmael [Arab world] to rise against Islam.
"What you are undergoing in France, in Europe, which is so scary, it should be for us the most beautiful news of our Jewish history. Finally, we begin to approach it! Finally, we begin to realize what the sages had predicted before. What I told you before is written in Sanhedrin [book of the Talmud]. The Messiah will come only when Edom, Europe, Christianity will have fallen completely. So, I am asking you the question: Is it good news that Islam is invading Europe? It's excellent news! It's announcing the arrival of the Messiah! Excellent news!"
(post is archived)