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"once the Messiah comes, all the nations will be subservient to the Jewish people" (sefaria.org) Eruvin 43b Talmudic Babylon (Composed c.450 - c.550 CE)

"Esau will lose everything, and Jacob will inherit both worlds, this world and the World to Come" (sefaria.org) KABBALAH - Zohar - Volume 1:143b

These quotes & Bible verses speak for themselves and prove what I say in the title. I'm sure yall will downvote, but how can you argue against this?

Jews are commanded to wipe out non-Jews, and dominate the world. This Jewish idea (unless you think Gentiles wrote the Babylonian Talmud) predates Christianity, is mirrored & supported by Bible verses, and is espoused by current Rabbis & Jews who 'run the show in the world'. I myself like some aspects of Christianity and some bible verses, like 1 Thessalonians 2, but I am also able to admit when it seems I am proven wrong. COPE

They hate you (images.squarespace-cdn.com)

EDOM IS AMERICA (& THE WEST & CHRISTIANITY https://www.bitchute.com/video/BgyLLsoZMTcX/

["once the Messiah comes, all the nations will be subservient to the Jewish people"](https://www.sefaria.org/Eruvin.43b.6?ven=William_Davidson_Edition_-_English&vhe=William_Davidson_Edition_-_Aramaic&lang=bi&with=About&lang2=bi) Eruvin 43b Talmudic Babylon (Composed c.450 - c.550 CE) ["Esau will lose everything, and Jacob will inherit both worlds, this world and the World to Come"](https://www.sefaria.org/Zohar.1.143b.8?lang=bi&with=all&lang2=en) KABBALAH - Zohar - Volume 1:143b These quotes & Bible verses speak for themselves and prove what I say in the title. I'm sure yall will downvote, but how can you argue against this? Jews are commanded to wipe out non-Jews, and dominate the world. This *Jewish* idea (unless you think Gentiles wrote the Babylonian Talmud) predates Christianity, is mirrored & supported by Bible verses, and is espoused by current Rabbis & Jews who 'run the show in the world'. I myself like some aspects of Christianity and some bible verses, like 1 Thessalonians 2, but I am also able to admit when it seems I am proven wrong. COPE [They hate you ](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5a90e4c80dbda346e74ce9da/1606769834143-39572LUH9HUVUBW4O0N0/Obadiah+-+Pride+Before+Destruction.004.jpeg) EDOM IS AMERICA (& THE WEST & CHRISTIANITY https://www.bitchute.com/video/BgyLLsoZMTcX/

(post is archived)