Stop listening to what evangelicals spread about it and listen to why the Catholic Church called the crusades from its official documents. Come to your own conclusion later.
The first crusade was against the heretical Cathars in France.
(((Evangelical))) (((Catholic))) all just different names for those who betrayed their own people to worship a (((Foreign-Jew-God))) as their (((Lord and Savior))).
Calling Jesus a jew is like calling that jew who murdered the guy behind mass murders in Bolshevik Russia a commie.
Except you're talking to a jew (above) who says all Aryans are street shitters. He also knows Jesus isn't a Jew. He was an Israelite.
See how Jews lie? You're talking to him like he's not a jew. But he is.
OK. Jesus wasn't a Jew? You really want to play this game (((Christ-Cuck))).
He sure the fuck wasn't a German. The best you can do is kvetch over what KIND of (((Sand-Nigger))) (((Jesus))) of (((Nazereth))) was.
(((Jesus))) was not German. Period. End of story. The end.
Therefore, he can not be the basis for any Ethno-national which isn't purely for (((Sand-Niggers))).
At that point, it doesn't matter what KIND of (((Sand-Nigger))) (((Jesus))) of (((Nazereth))) is. Because he is not German.
(post is archived)