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[–] 9 pts

It would be easier if Christians accepted that niggers are animals and that they are PETA's responsibility, not theirs.

Because up until that point they were doing OK

[–] 3 pts

niggers are animals and that they are PETA's responsibility

Considering how many animals PETA kills each year....

I'm ok with this.

[–] 5 pts

The Godcast (thegodcast.libsyn.com) disagrees.

[–] 5 pts

Wasn't always the case. Medieval Europe was pretty based , Crusades , conquered the savages in the Americas later etc

[–] 0 pt

Medieval Europe was the period when Pope's secular power led from the first schism to the second and basically offered a theological excuse to every endeavour imaginable.

[–] -1 pt

Stop listening to what evangelicals spread about it and listen to why the Catholic Church called the crusades from its official documents. Come to your own conclusion later.

[–] 0 pt

The first crusade was against the heretical Cathars in France.

[–] [deleted] -2 pt

(((Evangelical))) (((Catholic))) all just different names for those who betrayed their own people to worship a (((Foreign-Jew-God))) as their (((Lord and Savior))).

[–] 0 pt

This historical fact complete proves the stupidity of OP. Christianity is a reflection of the people who practice. Christianity is rooted in genetic lines, races, and nations. Only a retard or jew shill would say what OP has said.

[–] 0 pt

This sounds to me like Christianity isn't doing anything. Our people act how they're going to act and make up religious (or pseudo-scientific) rationales after the fact.

[–] 0 pt

people piled into a car and it was driven off a bridge. All cars are death traps.

[–] 0 pt

Uhh , ok

[–] 5 pts

There's so much wrong with just this title I'm not even going to start.

[–] [deleted] 4 pts

Real Christians are not Evangelical fag supporting scum.

What's wrong with the title? (((Christ-Cucks))) LITERALLY worship a (((Foreign-Jew-God))).

It's impossible to be an Ethno-nationalist, if your God is not of your Ethnicity.

My people did not wander around the desert for 40 years. Therefore, not my people, not my God.

Heil Odin!

[–] 4 pts

Christianity isn't incompatible, in fact it's the best path to ethnonationalism, you just need to undo the changes the jewish conversos made a few decades ago.

The ideas that the nations need to be kept separate and that family is important are already there. They just need to take front and center. The faith needs to be modernize to take into account the fact that charity isn't about going to africa and building wells for niggers, it's about helping your neighbor, your family and your nation.

Christianity is the best way that whites can band together and advocate for their own interests. Existing churches and organizations are in the way, but most of them will be dead in a few years and what replaces them needs to be explicitly for only those of the same nation.

[–] [deleted] -1 pt (edited )

in fact it's the best path to ethnonationalism

It is not possible to be an Ethno-Nationalist and at the same time worship a (((Foreign-Jew-God))) as your (((Lord and Savior))), unless you are a (((Jew))) or a (((Race-Traitor))). End of story. Squares can not be circles. It's a simple matter of tautology.

Dear (((Christ-Cuck))), You must to chose between your People and your God. You can't have both.

Heil Odin!

[–] 0 pt

My God is my people. To me the father the son and the holy spirit is literal. It's the parent, child and bond they share. Only ignorant fools think Christianity is a jewish religion, modern judaism was invented as an explicit rejection of the idea that your value is in sacrificing for your children, rather than how big a pile of cash you can steal from your neighbors.

[–] [deleted] -3 pt

Show me the part where (((Jesus))) was German. Until you can do that, (((Christianty))) has no basis as an Ethno-Nationalist religion unless you are a (((Sand-Nigger))).

(((Christianity))) is a GLOBALIST religion. Go fuck yourself Kike.

Heil Odin!

[–] 4 pts

That is the primary reason why Christanity has failed to protect innocents and civilization from evil ones; and why they forgive those who are evil while perpetually allowing them access to innocents.

Judaism, Communism & Islam are a religion of various types of vampires.

Christianity is the religion of those intended as food.

That is why they refer to followers as fish & sheep.

The Martyrs eternally cry out from below the Throne of their false God Who Must Never Be Named for y’all to get a freakin clue!

[–] 3 pts

The tower of babel is about God dividing man into different races.

Let no man join what God has divided.

[–] 1 pt

I wish it wasn't so, but it is.

"There is neither Jew nor gentile in Christ Jesus." - Acts something. This line is going to be used by jews no matter what. You guys can keep Jesus, but only if you can get him out of the rest of the Bible.

[–] 0 pt

What's with the electric sparks?

You Christians are truly tools of the jew. Willing to shed the blood of your folk for some abrahamic death cult.

You sound like commies claiming that real communism has been tried yet.

It's shameful that you refuse to see how this is just another way jews subvert white cultures, instilling this bullshit religion that's based off of guilt, claiming your broken and can only be healed by their God.

Then as a sacrament he makes you eat his flesh and drink his blood, a literal jew zombie nailed to a stick. It's perverse and abhorrent.

Bet more than half of you had circumcisions too. Another thing that jews forced into modern society that their pet goyem go along with in the name of Christianity.

Your religion literally says Jews are God's chosen people. You can make all the excuses that these Jews aren't the Jews that the Bible talks about and blah blah blah, but by its own admission in your religion is the second tier, the unchosen. This is your own dogma. It's pathetic.

Return to your Folk. Reject this jew system of controlling warlike whites. Reject subservience.

Venerate the Aesir. Venerate the Vanir. Venerate your Ancestors, your Blood, YOUR FOLK.

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